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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Borz

  1. Borz

    Borz mod app

    Gameserver: MTA/MIX Age: 16 Country of origin: Jordan MTA account name: Borz i play 4-7 hours per day and there are no mods/admins most of time when i'm online, all what i want to kick timed players because they fuck up your game
  2. good luck cocky^^
  3. good luck
  4. TRUE..... goddamn golden toilet paper user... he's so rich you should make him pay the host! @BORZ ... its 100 not 1000 nab i know its 100 but i play more than 6 hour per day
  5. +1k gc per day i love you kali this is best script ever !!
  6. Wait what? You're gonna merge RACE and MIX into one? Please don't, just no! :'( Both modes will, hopefully, go on the same server. However, they will be divided in rooms. So for the player there's no real difference. So if you want to keep playing Mix, you'll be able to do so! like ffs gaming ?
  7. shortcut..... BAN
  8. today i punch a guy in his face then he passed out 3:)

  9. no one go there
  10. niu gravity ?
  11. race sux mix the best anyway good luck
  12. Good luck dude
  13. exams exams everywhere (sad)

    1. eatmychildren


      Mr.Borz give me micro

    2. jack123


      mrBorz baba!!!

  14. NO j.k good luck miau
  15. i think he bought it before formus crash and he lost it
  17. don't add /votekick coz if you kill a turk guy in sh he will do /votekick on you and all turks will say yes or give /votekick for mods only maybe for few players too
  18. how fast is hp repen perk

  19. how fast is HP Reqen perk ?

  20. how fast is HP Reqen perk ?

  21. how fast is HP Reqen perk ?

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