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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Borz

  1. SDK SDK is everything SDK is life
  2. good luck my nigga
  3. good luck
  4. I didn't get it how noobs can win in this its game for only pro's80%of players noobs in DM
  5. ok thanks for your help btw i didnt understand anything of this script
  6. i see some maps that vehicles can hit in them
  7. players can camp all the map and get 2nd or something like that
  8. didnt work
  9. true
  10. most people noobs at DM so they wont like it because the will die first and they have to wait if checkpoint added to DM it will be good for noob players i already map some RTF-DM maps people dislike it nvm btw players can camp all the map and get 2nd
  11. one last thing how i remove ghost mode from vehicles (can hit them)
  12. addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() txd = engineLoadTXD ( "copcarvg.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 402 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "copcarvg.dff", 411 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 598 ) end )
  13. good luck byebye k-h-h
  14. thx assassin
  15. hey guys i have bug in custom vehicles all custom vehicles are white like in the pic if somebody know how to fix this problem tell me pleas
  16. Daaaaamn you have alot of weed
  17. Thanks amg
  18. [sH]No Name author: Borz delete it pleas really shit map
  19. thx u too m8
  20. good luck white chocolate
  21. good luck
  22. good luck edo
  23. good luck kasha
  24. good luck achraf
  25. thx
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