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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Borz

  1. gg guys
  2. make topic here http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/forum/32-contributions/ and post your maps
  3. good luck
  4. MTA San Andreas 1.4\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\your map\meta add <setting name="#ghostmode_checkpoint" value="14" />as SDK said you can change value="14" /> to checkpoint you want
  5. good luck crash
  6. nts NTS-around-the-world.zip NTS-around-the-world-2.zip
  7. add more map uploader or add like 4 players test the map and give them to map uploader that would be much easy for warp
  8. tanks cena gold santi
  9. thx Edo
  10. good luck
  11. thx jack duby
  12. Gameserver: MTA/MIX Age:16 Country of origin: Jordan Link to Steam Community profile *: --- Minecraft name **: --- Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: hello my name is ahmad i'am 16 years from Jordan i play MTA from 1,5 year i speak arabic and english, i play 4~6 hours in day. kalibwoy and warp help me so much and i want help other players In game account : Borz thx kali & warp
  13. good job dead
  14. admin/mod in race can kill/kick/mute somebody in mix that wold be great
  15. damn i need new pc
  16. give mods /kick
  17. Updated /admins command to show online killers too. thx )
  18. add /mod Show moderators on servers
  19. old game but its nice
  20. who take it ?
  21. RTF-its like other pro RTF maps WhoopWhoop aggot if players play it 5~10 times they will know how is the map and it will be easy NTS waazaaa i add some arrows NTS For cena any edit i am ready NTS-waazaaaaaaa.zip
  22. he fucking with everyone
  23. WTF there is more pitchers
  24. good luck my nigga
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