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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Berg

  1. Basically, he isn't only insulting me, he's also blocking (as i mentioned in boyka's ban request against me). And to ignore him woulnd't change the fact that he will continue blocking me. 1 more thing, you can't always use /ignore to just be off that person, you have to take discussions (if needed) and solve the problem by that (if possible). I've seen everyone writing "use /ignore, then the problem is solved", well yeah, maybe, but then that person maybe go to other peoples and insult them instead of me, and i think both of us, also the admins, wants to get rid of people who are full of shit.
  2. I forgot to mention, all this things started when Boyka got kicked by KoM| due to breaking rules, he were insulting other innocent people etc. Then i kicked him and he started to insult me, and 1 month later (now) it still continues. Guess if im tired of it?
  3. I've seen Boyka done some topics against me, and that i should be banned for insulting him, and that he wants "peace". This is clearly the opposite. The reason why i haven't done a topic before is because i thought Boyka would stop sometime. Also because i haven't knew how to post with screenshots. Im sure this isn't my last topic against him if he will continue of what he's doing to me. Also, don't see this as a "revenge". I only prove who is right and who is wrong about "insulting".
  4. Berg

    Look at this

    BoyKa, im so fucking sick of how you're acting against me. Everytime i kill you in DD/SH ur comment is "swedish piece of shit", what can i do otherwise than defending myself?? Also in every single fucking NTS u dont even drive, u try to drive above me and block me. And stop that fucking shit talking "i wanna have peace", because u dont fucking want peace, latest time i saw you spammed me in PM was for 1 hour ago. The real dickhead here is you!
  5. A problem is that the turkish guys is also talking shit about other people in turkish, i've been a victim of that. They usually say "blablablabla gold blabla" and i copy it and turn it into google translate and see that it means "gold you fucking cunt i hate you".. It's not fair, something has to be done, not enough with the spamming and blocking stuff, they're even insulting in their own language!
  6. Yep, but no result. The only thing who may help would be to format it, but i think it should exist another way to solve the problem..
  7. Okay so i tried to download spybot and scan my computer, it found viruses but nothing related to mta i guess.. And i also tried the cmd but it stood like on MTA: "Connection timed out", so i can't do anything more i guess, thx for help anyways.
  8. With cmd u mean the console of my computer, a black box on the computer were you can write IP codes and stuff?
  9. Well.. i don't have a clue, i haven't been playing for 2 or 3 days now because i can't join, it's a bit annoying you know..
  10. Hey.. so im really tired/pissed of that i can't join the MTA servers anymore. When i click "connect" it stays "connecting to........." and finally "server connection timed out".. Im used to spam the connect button until i joins the server, and it takes about 5 minutes before i can join while spamming. If i've been online in a day and i join later at the same day, it's no problem to join, but when i restart my computer i can't join within 300 clicks on the connect button. i dont know if this is a common error but i would be thankful for some help! Btw, i can't even join the mIRC channel anymore.
  11. no worries
  12. Bitch please u stole my cred
  13. Haha lol "1/2" at Turkey, true tho
  14. Berg


    As i said.. If you're bugged like that you're unnable to kill, you are immortal, so it's unfair to let you go while you can't be killed! the reason was WTF! not bugged car as that could be classed as command abuse as you first said to powermoosecock it was me lagging when asked why I was killed To be honest.. if for example Powermoosewes would have the power to kill and he killed you while you were immortal, you wouldn't care, i just think you hate me so much that you wanna get me banned. Im just talking from my experience.
  15. Berg


    Yea that's kinda abuse.. but i've already talked with SDK about things, and btw, that's kinda old, on that pic i was kinda new so i kinda abused because i didnt knew what was right and wrong =)
  16. Berg


    As i said.. If you're bugged like that you're unnable to kill, you are immortal, so it's unfair to let you go while you can't be killed!
  17. I dont really see the point in that you are feeding posts, in most of the posts i have seen u written it stays "wtf" or "lol" and has nothing to do with the topic or something, can i just ask why you are doing that? Pretty annoying.
  18. Okay, i will try (if i will find the 1.3 folder because i rly suck at things with computers). Thanks!
  19. Hey, i just bought paintjob. I downloaded a picture i wanted, then i changed the file to "bmp", when i clicked MTA/mods/deathmatch and finally "resources", the map was empty. Is it something wrong with my installation of the 1.4 or is it a server bug or something?
  20. Berg


    I can't see how he insults either. And i've known ChickenButt since i started to play on this server, and i've never seen him insulting anyone. And if i can be honest.. I think you are trying to give revenge or something because you were outkicked from the KoM| clan for abusing the rules, inc. insulting etc.
  21. I would say that top times who can be beaten shouldn't get a reset, and those top times who is impossible to beat.. just erase them, if it is possible to know reachable tops and unreachable tops. Im just talking for myself, i mean i am a part of the group who plays for top places, but i indeed that some top places is impossible to beat.
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