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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Berg

  1. Berg

    DD map bug

    Probably any admin who wrote /forcevote which means you start a vote like the map has ended. edit: so its not a bug
  2. Pls no

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maher


      YES YES YES!

      ~Daniel Bryan.

    3. HeArTBeaT


      thats what she said, right gold? :))

    4. Cena


      No! No! No!

  3. Berg

    8 years

    Nonono 9 years isnt any special, better make something special when it is 10th anniversary
  4. It's in sdk's mind atm. He will do smth like that but not yet there is much other things more important
  5. And does the race server has like a clan manager? For example in separate groups? Unfortunately not, i'm also in a clan but it isnt advanced, just carrying my tag with my friends. Any plans for the future? Would be really great to see such idea implemented into the race server. I agree with you, i don't really know what plans Ywa (founder) has
  6. Yea but i dont think it's something who can affect the server, this is my view tho
  7. And does the race server has like a clan manager? For example in separate groups? Unfortunately not, i'm also in a clan but it isnt advanced, just carrying my tag with my friends.
  8. You're free to have what clan tag you want
  9. In what way is it advertising? i mean it's advertising but i mean that doesnt seem "illegal"
  10. Berg


    I asked about it SDK and he said in this situation do suicide.. i think its fair if u will 2nd or 3 rd cuz its system fault The random vote system isnt supposed to be fair. du dont understand i mean if system launched player in air and i escaped i think its system fault not player Its the authors fault that ur able to land on ground area if we are to go on about whose fault it is
  11. You are wrong.NTS always gets skipped for CTF,it barely gets replayed.. You are wrong also. Not always, sometimes xD Only if NTS sucks. Depends more on who's online rather than the map itself. This^ If you join at the night when wonas, christina and all those are playing nts almost always gets replayed. If you play at the day when all the turks is on SH gets replayed and overflooded bought over and over again.. So it's a bit different
  12. Maybe, but MrGreen is on since 2005 (10 years) so there is very small chance for that ^ everything ends,it's a matter of time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUlnTs0lpnY
  13. Too much rap
  14. Gl, danu is a good guy
  15. Gay
  16. SDK in my heart
  17. Ur too conservative mate
  18. Gl, never seen you but you seem mature
  19. I wish you the best luck my friend!
  20. Im surprised noone reported my map yet lol
  21. True, i'm on your side
  22. Idea: I think it should be like if i purchase a sh map then the sh price of map increases, that will maybe cause that people will look over their greencoins one more time before they do something without thinking if a special gamemode gets repeated over and over again.. If a original map costs 350 greencoins at the start of the day then after each purchase the price increases by 200 greencoins (if i buy lets say nts first time of the day my purchase will cost 350 greencoins, if kali purchases another map in the same gamemode he have to pay 550 greencoins).. Let's see how many agrees..
  23. Hmm i don't know about the playtime... haven't seen you in a half year.. Anyways good luck, but as you may know.. work a lil bit on your english =)
  24. Berg


    These 2 are banned for some days, topic closed.
  25. Yep, i've seen megas insulting pretty often, but i've also seen that Race isn't the nicest player either.
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