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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Matoosh

  1. I don't play on race server so I can just say: good luck.
  2. gdzie jesteś jacek? 🥺

    1. DzinyMaster


      nie ma go od miesięcy

  3. DD_FAIL_XD.mp4
  4. Matoosh

    moderator app

    Good luck boi
  5. Planned.mp4
  6. job escaper.mp4
  7. 2+/10 0:00 - 4:00
  8. MTA_ San Andreas 2020-07-25 20-15-31.mp4
  9. 17.07.2020 Type Code Maps Percents* Never The Same NTS 823 38,60% Reach The Flag RTF 322 15,10% Shooter SH 307 14,40% Destruction Derby DD 667 31,29% DeadLine DL 13 0,61% Race Race 3081 I got data from json file now.. No data for CTF maps. * Sum: 2132 maps of MIX (except CTF and MH).
  10. Gdzie się podziewasz Jacek

  11. me no english, not understood butt liek you'r topic
  12. Matoosh


    Click link in my previous post and read thread. "Only involved members are allowed to reply!"
  13. Matoosh


    Use english if you make thread in this section and read thread above (in link) or your thread will be ignored.

    1. Cena


      It was all planned obviously 

    2. Matoosh


      Of course. I used my professional skills

    3. Micha3lo
  15. XD CTF and MH should have set minimum active player for play. CTF - atleast 6 players MH - depends from map. Some map should be chosen if there is enough player (bcs too big map for few player has no sense). Atleast 4-10 players depends from map. DL - idk, no comment
  16. You haven't read the READ BEFORE POSTING TOPIC. Edit your topic and follow the rules or an admin will ignore your ban/unban request.
  17. + You should see your own pj or colors. I didnt buy cars to not see my colors.
  18. Why you created new thread instead make new post in old thread?
  19. I think that age is important for moderator. I wouldnt want 8yo as moderator xd gl
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