~>> Super Jumps <<~
1º - Download the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yqnxo171nzhv6qf/jumps.rar
2º - Extract the file "jumps.lua" inside the folder of your map
3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line:
<script src="jumps.lua" type="client" />
4º - Open the MTA >> Map Editor, and open the map where you want to put the ' Super Jump '
5º - Add one or more ' markers ' where you want to add Super Jumps
6º - Now open the file 'jumps.lua' that you extracted to your map
7º - with the 'jumps.lua' open, open the MTA Editor and select the markers on your map
8º - The MTA where it says 'position' you must pass directions X, Y, Z for the file 'jumps.lua',
where is written X you must copy the direction and replace where it says ' 1 ' in the file jumps.lua.
where is written Y you must copy the direction and replace where it says ' 2 ' in the file jumps.lua.
where is written Z you must copy the direction and replace where it says ' 3 ' in the file jumps.lua.
9º - Do this with all the ' markers '
10º - Now delete the markers that you have added to your map by Map Editor, we're not going to need them. ...
Do not delete anything in the 'jumps.lua' ...
11º - Now test your map
13º - To increase or decrease the height of the jump, you must change the value 'newZ = z+0.8'
0.8 = 80 meters
1 = 100 meters
14º - To change the size of the markers you must change where it says "cylinder", 4.5 "
15º - To change the colors of the Super Jump, you must change where it says 'cylinder", 4.5, 255, 255, 255, 255 '
If I have forgotten any information or if you have any questions, please ask, I take pleasure in help
Sorry for my terrible English :\