~>> outputChatBox (Message when start the map) <<~
1º - Download the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vj67s58ecik7lyp/ChatBox.rar
2º - Extract the file "ChatBox.lua" inside the folder of your map
3º - Open the "meta.xml" file of your map and add the line:
<script src="ChatBox.lua" type="client" />
4º - Open the file "ChatBox.lua" and inside it there will be a line that says outputChatBox ("chatbox texto", 27, 89, 224, true)
Where it says "chatbox texto" you can put any text you want to
5º - For more information on additional chat just add the line:
outputChatBox ("chatbox texto", 27, 89, 224, true)
And change "chatbox texto" by the text you want and at the end the map will stay that way