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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by KneeLzy

  1. Sad news from your side @Cena I am glad that I had so much enjoyable and unforgettable moments together even if some of them was all about our behaviors but that just makes a stronger friendship I believe. Thanks for all the laugh we had together and best of luck whatever you will do next! Hope it's not an end of it and one day we will enjoy it as it was 5 years ago, even tho we both are busy! Cheers my dude!
  2. KneeLzy

    Not Enough?!

    First of all, if you mentioning someone please provide information or ss about it, because i can't see any picture which includes me (Or maybe i'am just blind xd). Secondary you provide so useless pictures and you just simply reverse the circumstances for instance: in the first picture you can see that race is flipped and he's second, so i am curious how can you block someone while flipped and second, so it means that he raced and just simply flipped also in this picture you can see that you or your friend blocking him. (If you taking these fake pictures at least do them properly because from it you can see that race got blocked. About panda: in 2nd and 3rd pictures how can you say that he said this to you? In the 3rd picture we all know that panda always talks like this, but hes saying that he did/thinks, he did not mentioned that he "fucked ur mom" so no idea why you took that ss as well. About "cry" "noobs" "gk" and other simple words, i can say that even you use it and try to imagine how weak you need to be to upload those screens... I believe that you saying those words more than anyone. Filip: not gonna mention more because he already answered it and said that those pictures were ages ago.
  3. Your ingame name: [NRS]Mazulyte Date of your ban: around 2months What game/server are you banned from: mta-race/mix Who banned you (only if you know who): Berg Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): To be honest, i do not even know what to say more. Already mentioned most of the problems which i had in my previous appeal. To make things clearer and shorter - I'm sorry whose feelings were hurt after my words. Reason why we should unban you: Well I've been playing in this server since 2014 and when I decide to stop playing on this server I want it to be not a ban which stops me, but my own decision. Also i believe that almost 2 months is a time to give a chance and see if I improved my "behavior". If banned on MTA, post your IP (http://www.myipaddress.com/) and MTA serial, (start MTA -> press F8 -> type serial: C358980ACF9D10F9C7C7281DB6C817A3
  4. Your ingame name: [NRS]Mazulyte Date of your ban: cant say exactly, but something about 1 month What game/server are you banned from: mta-race/mix Who banned you (only if you know who): Berg Reason why you got banned (only if you know why): Most probably because i had too many mutes over the last couple weeks, of course it was because of the insults. But the last 2 mutes and the permanently ban was because i just discussed to deep in some topics and as well said few things to few admins just to get in fight with them. Yep, i got warned to stop talking but i just ignored that, I am not gonna mention exactly what I said to him before getting the ban (he knows it already) I just provoked him. As well had some thoughts in this one month period what i did wrong and how can i solve it so i won't get in fights. We all were in these kind of situations when we are doing some bad decision and then we regret it after some time. Reason why we should unban you: So instead of mute i just got banned, never had a long mute always getting a ban instead of mute, while other players always getting few weeks mute and not a single day of ban. So i am asking for unban because i am an old mrgreen player and I would like to keep playing the game till I have some time, I believe I can finally write less in the game to people who I should not talk. If banned on MTA, post your IP (http://www.myipaddress.com/) and MTA serial, (start MTA -> press F8 -> type serial: C358980ACF9D10F9C7C7281DB6C817A3
  5. I would like to hear your excuses. My first and last report! Thanks Ulas! for the translation!
  6. KneeLzy

    Shooter Sunday

    KneeLzy "Mega jump" Laggers "with high ping" cannot be allowed to play at this event.
  7. 4.5/10 Video is not intended for "Kids of Mix"
  8. You are useless mod Big no!
  9. Maybe let's talk about how many blocks and rams have you done, even with ur clan mates you waited at the end of the map just to block others @Sandro can prove it. Also one picture doesn't says anything maybe i just slipped and hit the building while at the same time you hit me and took a picture of that as advantage for you
  10. You could be as a T1, but sadly I am there so you cant be T1 @Laca
  11. What can i say about you Mekuar - you are not just a mrgreen server friend to me you are more than it. I know you almost from the beginning when you joined to this community and can't say anything bad about you. I'm pretty guarantee that you always being fair with everyone doesn't matter is he/she your friend or nah and thats a huge respect for this. And of course as we know in this server we have plenty of Turkish people and not all of them can speak english perfectly and what do i mean by saying that - It means that as admin you would have more power of controlling them for insults/blocking etc... The good example can be an old player/ex admin akeno, he did pretty well as a mod and i think someone need to take that job and make this community even better and he's @Mekuar. Best of luck mate
  12. We had 1 year ago mix tournament and Lithuanians won that as well, Me 1st and Zuikis 2nd. And now race tournament which Lithuanians won again, no point to have a country war
  13. Lithuanians won again, we are the best at this server! Congratulation guys I am proud of you.
  14. KneeLzy
  15. I guess 3 games is enough. Also when it happens?
  16. Im for 5v5 more as well. Would be more fair because TFT is kinda based all about your luck chance.
  17. West.
  18. Nts I'm back! Nts rias v1 Nta rias v2 SH-Shade Of Madness SH-ForcesAgainst
  19. 8.5/10 Let's try Lithuanian music.
  20. KneeLzy

    LoL TFT

    Im in for TFT, but prefer more rift to rekt ur ass
  21. 5
  22. 5.5/10 @Dubby
  23. KneeLzy Map: Unnamed journey
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