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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MoshPit

  1. I think if they are slow at 31fps they would be slow at any fps. However the people who are fast are only going to be that much faster. Im not really sure what raising the current level would do.
  2. MoshPit


    In my time on the server i've noticed several people playing with modified files. the most obvious is health hacks where I see people hit several tnt barrels then they don't die. For me I have no mods I die after I hit one. There are also people who are faster than other guys who break record everytime they race, or just about everytime. Makes me think there also modded probably handeling mods. My question is is there any mods that are comenly used by people who play on the server and are any mods accepted on the server
  3. I like the diversity of the server. I like that people from around the world play there i think it would be a mistake to make it english dutch only. Besides it annoys me when people talk to much in the chat. It's a race not a chat room.
  4. this leads to no file to download I mean fix.rar in his post. Thank you Yoshi
  5. this leads to no file to download
  6. Does anyone know why when i try to test a map in the map editor it allways turn the first checkpoint into the finnish line.
  7. thats funny
  8. when they get a steady 33 Fps makes me think that its a cheat. Its high enough to have an advantage but low enough not to get kicked.
  9. i was thinking the same thing:(
  10. In todays game i noticed a self admited noob ( MTA|KingD ) breaking records. So i checked his fps and its running high at a solid 33. I said he was fps hacking, Camille said its a bug. can you be banned for high fps? they do have an advantage. or has anyone considered raiseing the maxx limit to 33. I've incolsed a screenshot of his high fps an a well established recored that he beat. 2cd pic
  11. I thought that ting was banned for being a cheating hacker?
  12. I thank all of you for your help.
  13. iv'e converted the files now where do i put them. csena post says (C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\) however all i find there is zip files. i put them the an still dont see them in the map editor.
  14. so am i to take it that i can not put my old mta maps into the new mta?
  15. can anyone tell me where to put my user created maps. as in what file do i put them in to work on them in the new map editor.
  16. i like it random better i hate having to wait for the vote then a 2cd vote also with no respawn health hackers are the only one's who finnish
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