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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Danni

  1. Good luck with the server management
  2. Looking good ya'll.. Hope I can fit in
  3. I am keen on making a cs:go surf server.. Perhaps modded with deathmatch mod and/or rpg.. Said surf servers were extremly popular back in the css days, and by the looks if it - it remains so in cs:go. I think we stand a good chance in making a good cs:go server.
  4. More questions can be added. - How much will it cost? - Is it like "your own" server - meaning you will have full control of everything? (admins, mods etc.) - Any limitations to what games we can create servers for? - If said person purchased a server from Mr. Green, and it got popular -say some players might donate. Will the money go into Mr. Green's pockets straight away, or will the server bill get paid first and rest goes to Mr. Green - Support?
  5. Not a bad idea at all. I have so many questions to it though, but I guess you're making a plan of some kind
  6. I definitely have to agree that servers for newer games is a way forward, but having servers for old games should be fine as well. Of cause server space has to be taken into consideration. We could create some servers for X game for limited time to see if enough players will play that particular game/mod so it makes sense to keep and maintain $$$ @madkiller nice to hear that the ZS is getting some love once again. I don't have experience with MTA DM servers, I was thinking san andreas multiplayer dm. I guess either would work though @necrrossin perhaps not, but you can make it live for a very long time if you take proper care In the end, it's up the Ywa/Clavus. I assume they're still in charge here
  7. Heya everybody I guess some of you might remember me so no further introduction is needed. Otherwise just read my profile or introduce yourself thread Is it just me, or is this forum kinda sleeping? Considering how active this community once was it makes me kinda sad to see 2012 threads in the end of this sub-forum. We had an awesome and very popular (old) ZS server, great css servers and a fucking nice active forum + IRC. So... I can't really find any lists of server? The ZS server is pretty much empty (24/7?) and the only thing that seems to keep this alive is the MTA server. I think we can all make this very active again. The steam group has 1.700 members, so group bulletins will reach a fair amount of people. Besides it's summer holidays, the time of the year where people have the most time to play games. Perhaps it is time to create some new servers, maybe a new css server, gta:sa DM server or a 3rd option? Just a few suggestions. What do you think? (or am I complete off-track with this thread?) Best regards, Danni
  8. 56k modem?
  9. My speed has improved significantly since I made this thread back in 2009
  10. Are you sure she was Danish? If so, she needs to be kicked out of the country.

  11. I've been called Danni since I was 6yo.
  12. Danni


    Admin apps go here: http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/forum/27-admin-applications/
  13. hackers whining..

  14. Danni

    Are you sane?

    Oh, fuck yes.. Edited it, thank you
  15. Danni

    Are you sane?

    http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv I recently came across this personality test, and thought it could be fun to see what results you guys get Post screenshot, or copy/paste it. Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
  16. K, go discuss it with your friends thnen http://www.apa.org/
  17. Who the fuck gives a shit. Alien and stuff invading the earth, economic collapse. It's all a joke, if the eart was to end in 2012 we would properly already see the signs of it.. 1. So, you say we have an economic crisis, well, we've had them before, it's natural. 2. Norway, US along with Russia and China and the rest of the world have been having nuclear safe bunkers since the 60's and 70's due to the cold war. Theres two nuclear bunkers in Denmark called "Regan øst (Regan east)" and "Regan vest (Regan west)" It was common to build huge bunker facilities during that time. Besides, that bunker in Svalbard, is to preserve seeds, and not some idiotic goverment official or queen. Regan west was declassified recently, and the press was allowed to get down there and take pictures: Short video of the bunker, where the press gets a guided tour
  18. Danni

    Take me back!

    Hey amigo it's been a long time ! And, as you can see, I am no longer admin(and I have never played MTA btw). And I don't play Green ZS anymore :/ Nice to see. You should apply for MTA admin too then
  19. Danni

    Take me back!

    heya all. So, I started playing the MTA server again few days ago, after a break some few months. I was admin from jan 10 to oct. 10, I left due to me having alot of stuff to do in my education. Been in L4G since jan 09, but I started playing the zombie server back in 2008. Juts gonna quote one of my applications, for god knows how long ago. (Nothing more to add really) Any questions? Please ask, I don't bite Btw, Is chickingnugget, and ehm, that other MTA admin still playing?
  20. I'm tired of people annoying someone when they speak another language, why are you so annoying that I speak Spanish and others spanish or latin players just sometimes? I always speak English in the server, sometimes I only speak Spanish when connected friends, and nobody ever told us we were doing anything wrong by that. I accept the rules perfectly, although I must say that language should be a multilanguage server, because the server connects people around the world, and people don't necessarily have to speak those languages ​​if you don't want or don't know. I called you racist because I'm tired of racist people like you that maybe says: "Why the fuck dont kick that asses Spanish / latins that don't stop to talk him sucks language", or whatever. I saw so many racist people here, and I'm a tired. I'm just saying why you can not play quietly without anyone annoying anyone, because we are not doing something very bad that have to kick or ban us or anything. And know that I have always been interested in helping this server, I have always been active in the irc and game to show my support, the server is very careless and my only intention here is to help the server so it does not decay, but hey, each I take more time desire and I do not understand a lot of people. See, now you called be a racist again? Please look the word up.. Multi-language server? Nah, I dont think so.. it's in most peoples interest (especially admins) to understand what is going on, atleast it was for me, when I was admin on the server.
  21. Right, You speak Spanish most of the time on server, thought the rules says it's English and Dutch only (yes, yes, I know there is some controversy over the language rules), then you raged at me on IRC (I was a racist?) cause I explained you what the rules says. So, will you ban, kick and call players racists in-game cause they ask all you Spanish guys to speak English, so the rest of us know what the deal is about?
  22. Danni


    fuck off
  23. Danni


    It's a FUCKING troll!
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