I'm tired of people annoying someone when they speak another language, why are you so annoying that I speak Spanish and others spanish or latin players just sometimes? I always speak English in the server, sometimes I only speak Spanish when connected friends, and nobody ever told us we were doing anything wrong by that. I accept the rules perfectly, although I must say that language should be a multilanguage server, because the server connects people around the world, and people don't necessarily have to speak those languages if you don't want or don't know. I called you racist because I'm tired of racist people like you that maybe says: "Why the fuck dont kick that asses Spanish / latins that don't stop to talk him sucks language", or whatever. I saw so many racist people here, and I'm a tired. I'm just saying why you can not play quietly without anyone annoying anyone, because we are not doing something very bad that have to kick or ban us or anything. And know that I have always been interested in helping this server, I have always been active in the irc and game to show my support, the server is very careless and my only intention here is to help the server so it does not decay, but hey, each I take more time desire and I do not understand a lot of people. See, now you called be a racist again? Please look the word up.. Multi-language server? Nah, I dont think so.. it's in most peoples interest (especially admins) to understand what is going on, atleast it was for me, when I was admin on the server.