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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Danni

  1. Yeah, he should be banned.
  2. Nah they were too lazy to come and meet me.. too bad It's my chocolate MINE!!!
  3. When I read on the back of it, it says it's produced in sweden.. Edit: Freia is an American-owned Norwegian chocolate brand. In other words; Norwegian chocolate, and the money goes to America exactly
  4. When I read on the back of it, it says it's produced in sweden.. Edit: Freia is an American-owned Norwegian chocolate brand.
  5. Get belgian chocolate you **** Ït's actually produced in sweden, but as far as I'm aware it's swiss chocolate cause it's milk chocolate.. "Melkehjerter" means "milk hearts" It's actually not a duck it's a swan, and Denmark's national bird I bet they were hoping I had some food for them, but I hadn't. only some mentos, but they were not interested in them
  6. There was actually 2 hot girls I took notice on. They were onboard on the ship And thanks everybody else
  7. It was a really nice cruise.. The nature in mountainsides (fjell-sides) is really really nice.. It was -14 degrees, but not a wind moving and light snowfall so it was really nice. First and last picture are from Copenhagen. Will post some in the picture thread later when I get the pics from my dad, he has a shit load of pictures.. Oh and btw, I really agree with this box of chocolate I bought in the tax-free zone
  8. I will send you this message instead I'm on the ship now, luckily it had internet cafe
  9. I know nothing about MTA, nor do I know exactly from what happened, but from what I understand from this post, and Danni's is that you couldn't take a punishment which came as a result of your rule breaking, I think you misunderstood what was going on, when Danni said "next time it'll be a 12 hour ban for evading." that more advice than a warning, it was just your misinterpretation that triggered your response and resuled in you kicked, If You feel you want to leaveand say bad things about left4green because of that, I think you're childish and pathetic, be a man, deal with it, and let life carry on. Exactly! actually, he is 37 going on for 38, i kno this for a fact as ive met him and drank with him from what ive seen of this, it was a misunderstanding of NikT's humor, which then resulted in this, his comment is never directed at anyone in a harsh way, it was meant as a joke. no offence or anything, but this server could use with members like NikT apart from all the hackers that are on, was a surprise there was admin on tonight actually, as there never is any other time im with NikT on this, i wont be coming back, i dont care if you delete my acc on here either, it dont bother me I don't see why our server could use members like NiKt, he's not more special than any other player.. Too bad you leave because of him not being able to obey the rules. Oh and there's always an admin on (90% of the time).. We're just on IRC.
  10. too bad for you.. Should I copy what you kept calling our moms? oh and dont forget the kick reason: [DRuG]NikT: Danni - next time perhaps be nice enough to warn? sheesh wat a biatch You evaded the mute and insulted me, which I actually could ban for, but was nice to kick you. Feel free to complain in here: http://forums.left4green.com/forum/31-multi-theft-auto/ Btw, you got kicked for "admin insult" not "admin abuse"
  11. That's just the anti-cheat system. Doesn't happen very often anymore.
  12. Yea, -32 on open areas because the wind. Does the thermometer say -32 degrees, or does it feel like -32 because of the wind-chill effect? We are the though winter guys, not you. Go back to your oil rig. Fuck you, I can take low temperatures also. I'm not the one complaining about cold weather. Lowest in my city this Winter has only been -16. Looking forward going to Oslo Tuesday, should be between -10 and -24 according to the forecast.
  13. Yea, -32 on open areas because the wind. Does the thermometer say -32 degrees, or does it feel like -32 because of the wind-chill effect?
  14. Looks like your dog is freezing
  15. hahahha... I need to fuck her on the ship then
  16. No wonder, the Danes are skiing like shit.. 2 Danes have been killed already in Norway while skiing, and two 15 yo Danish girls were missing for over 1 day. It's going great
  17. He lives in Romaniam and thanks Oh no you don't! You're coming home to Finland! Nevah! I hope we can go there next year He lives in Romania.Someone told me lives in Norway...Or maybe... I thought that on him hearing that others live in Norway.me and baby is norwegiansUhh k.Danni! find Notte and Sacry there! XD They can come and find me.. I'm on a mountain 10 kms from Oslo, something called Tryvann Vinterpark
  18. My dad is planning going to Oslo, Norway next week, so I wont be on from Monday to Thursday. I have no idea when we leave Monday, so will might be on some of the day. Just a heads up -Danni
  19. Danni

    Ban request

    Cant really ban him before I see him in-game.. Please tell an admin if you see him in-game so we can come and ban him.
  20. Danni

    Favorite class

    Pirates Though I should properly choose vikings
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