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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mayco

  1. Boycotting is lame. Just sign the petition or cancel your order. Don't start acting retarded.
  2. Look at the picture he posted: Clear enough, don't you think?
  3. Uninstall that crap. You have a Realtek card, you don't need it.
  4. So you're gonna screw the other team by working against them? What's this thread for then?
  5. Uhm, you might wanna make that a bit clearer. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  6. Hacks are never undetectable for 2 years. Anyway, it seems this problem is solved, so I'm locking this topic.
  7. I'll look into it as soon as my PC is back up.
  8. I totally love the choice of VAC over PB, but I totally do not understand them dropping dedicated servers and mod support. In the interview, they asked the developer: "Why did you make these radical changes? Because of piracy?". And he replied with something like: "No, we just want to give the community a different multiplayer experience" and more weird reasons. At the end of that sentence, he said: "... but ofcourse it'll also work against piracy". So basically they ruined the game for people who BUY it, just to get more sales. I doubt it'll work. Also, why make all those changes nobody likes, while you can make it a Steam-only game and keep all the good stuff?
  9. Okay, some updates. They're not gonna make you happy (they sure didn't make me happy): IWnet servers will host multiplayer DLC will be a charged item for PC No dedicated servers Matchmaking system used to play with similarly ranked players VAC instead of PB Competitive play is dead (Clans etc.) MW2 mods would not be possible Full integration into Steam Source Ofcourse, some of them aren't all that bad, but most of them ruin the game.
  10. We don't even know if there actually is a PC version. Maybe it's not even made. No gameplay at all on PC. Yeah, we don't know that at all: Plus you can pre-order it for PC everywhere.
  11. Officially, it's not delayed.
  12. So switch to 7 now, and switch to the retail OS before march 2010?
  13. Notepad++ is the way to go.
  14. Please try to use the list mentioned in first post. Just contact 'em if you want to know if they're still in or not.
  15. Banaan, stop being a jackass. It's less then
  16. Mayco

    1 to a 1000

  17. Mayco

    1 to a 1000

  18. Moved to the right section (finally!). Never mind
  19. The Resistance and Knights of Cydonia
  20. Thats just a stupid question Why exactly? I mean fat guy = Boomer heavy smoker = Smoker (obv) strong dude = Tank weird scary woman = Witch strong hillbilly = Charger homosexual = Jockey? Maybe it's more like: Jockey = Jockey
  21. Yeah, those were rumors, but today they were confirmed, apparently.
  22. Yeah, like 3 days after release. I think I'll manage to wait that long. LoL. Halo does not suck. At least they have made the multiplayer well. Your just jeallouse because you dont have an X360 And why wouldnt I download it? It will probably have the fucking DRM proctions in the BUYABLE VERSION (like you can install it for example 3 times)! But when I download it, I can install it to my computer, give it to my friends, etc. IN YOUR FACE! I bought CoD:MW2 because I love multiplayer, and I want to support the developers. It should be up for grabs on the internet shortly after (or even before) release. Halo's multiplayer isn't "made well", it's just regular multiplayer; TDM, DM, CTF etc. Nothing special. CoD4 loses a lot of his awesomeness because of the price. The game is already 2 years old and it's still full price D: True, but (mainly) the stores are the ones to blame in this picture. They don't lower a best-seller in price that fast. Now get yer asses back on topic!
  23. If you played CoD, you'd know plenty of Americans die Also, go hang your head in shame for even trying to COMPARE Halo to CoD's awesomeness
  24. This game is already on my pre-ordered games list. I just want it more after watching trailers I haven't seen before
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