Yeah, like 3 days after release. I think I'll manage to wait that long. LoL. Halo does not suck. At least they have made the multiplayer well. Your just jeallouse because you dont have an X360 And why wouldnt I download it? It will probably have the fucking DRM proctions in the BUYABLE VERSION (like you can install it for example 3 times)! But when I download it, I can install it to my computer, give it to my friends, etc. IN YOUR FACE! I bought CoD:MW2 because I love multiplayer, and I want to support the developers. It should be up for grabs on the internet shortly after (or even before) release. Halo's multiplayer isn't "made well", it's just regular multiplayer; TDM, DM, CTF etc. Nothing special. CoD4 loses a lot of his awesomeness because of the price. The game is already 2 years old and it's still full price D: True, but (mainly) the stores are the ones to blame in this picture. They don't lower a best-seller in price that fast. Now get yer asses back on topic!