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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Maher

  1. Maher


    It was ramming not blocking, Locked (Also ramming is allowed so )
  2. As @RenoPopper (Haze) said, topic is now solved and next time if martian blocks or ass, i will make sure to mark them as a blocker more than 3 hours
  3. I would give it a try if it was officially up
  4. I think the older pj's are in mtasa files?
  5. There is more than this CTF which it has shooting not only shooter 3?
  6. Maher


    Luckshot when u killed me in monster xD
  7. Maher

    Ban Flipper

    Yes, I Made @NITROX mute you for spamming in discord, it was 30 mins mute for sure. You couldn't stop spamming so i requested Nitro to mute you ingame, So, I give you one more chance, Dont spam again And @NITROX when you see the campers, Please warn them to not camp and fight (as long you are a Moderator). I couldn't kill any of campers cause i didn't know who was, also because i wasn't in game. That's why i leave it all for you LOCKED.
  8. Amazing!
  9. What about December?
  10. rare topic
  11. Now everything is doubled such as rewards?
  12. Maher

    Uvuveuveuveu Angry

  13. Maher


    Wish you too a merry christmas
  14. This would be amazing Imagine 270 per hour
  15. All OK! We apperciate it
  16. Maher


    , : ' " ; * ^ etc etc
  17. Maher


  18. Maher


    You got 50 left so gl
  19. Maher


  20. Tomorrow the christmas event starts, make sure that you submit a map that u wish to be played during the 3 days event!
  21. darude sandstorm besthorn
  22. Maher


  23. No worries, Much apperciated!
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