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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Albzi

  1. 2/10


    I've obviously not had enough cocaine or swallowed enough glue sticks to appreciate that music.


    Not going to post a video though because I don't know how to.


    Instead I'll put the name - What do you mean - Our main man Bieber

  2. Suicide is for the weak.

    You're an idiot. Depression is a chemically imbalanced state of mind that people don't have control over. It's not just "being sad", its an actual health issue. Much of the time the brain of a depressed person won't go back to normal without the use of medication and therapy in combination, regardless of other external stimuli (ie experiencing things that "should" make you feel happy). Most suicides happen in whats called a depressive episode, which is a more temporary thing. If a person can get through the episode without committing suicide, then their chance of not committing suicide (for that episode) goes down enormously.

    I'm just saying, don't talk about things (much less call people suffering from disorders 'weak') without knowing about them. And I can tell with 100% certainty that you don't know the smallest thing about psychiatry because what you said is a very wrong thing. I know this seems harsh but what you said is really offensive and you deserved to be called out for it.

    If you know anyone who is depressed or especially suicidal, or if you have felt suicidal thoughts yourself, I beg you to please get that person/yourself to talk to a psychiatrist. Having depression doesn't make you a worse or weaker person. I know firsthand - it runs in my family (also my mom is a psychiatrist who has written two books on depression, which granted were published on a pretty small scale). A good psychiatrist shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable and should be able to understand and be able to explain what the patient is going through, and accordingly set up a treatment plan. It really can be day and night - people who wouldn't even get out of bed because theyre so depressed can function perfectly fine with good treatment.

    EDIT: Yoshi, i really probably shouldn't be shooting in the dark for a diagnosis as im not a doctor but it seems like you may have OCD which often manifests itself in depression. It's good that you are able to see happiness in the world (especially in the form of something so selfless as giving :) ) but also self mutilation is a really bad and destructive answer to problems.

    If you or any single person here wants to know more about these things or needs someone to talk to about anything like this feel completely free to private message me. I will answer any question to the best of my ability and if I can't answer it I can always ask my mom. I just don't want anyone to feel weak or inferior because they are thinking and feeling things that they cannot control.


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