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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Albzi

  1. I'm not going to lie, those games were mucked up, but still 10/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfbK42xR8s More of a rap song but it's still a good song.
  2. But you could just say they hit you and over do it.
  3. Ohgod Ohman. I meant that people will do it whether or not it's illegal or not haha I still think being able to smack your child should be legal. As long as you don't over do it.
  4. How many girlfriends do you have? I've found that at night blocking every sound out and thinking about something before sleeping helped you get to sleep.
  5. Ha! You guys have fun together anyway!
  6. Heavy due to idling. But most played is Pyro when I'm not afk.
  7. I've been there, Dusty. It's not that good (My opinion, you might think it's amazing). But have fun though! Hope you enjoy it.
  8. There are other methods, granted, to raise your children. But whether it's illegal or not, people will do it and still get put in prison for abusing their children.
  9. Have a good time!
  10. It's not, but it works on my mum's R4 card, just not mine. There isn't an update for my R4, but it's not a problem with my R4 card.
  11. In England, this is very much useless. Taking away an allowance will trigger a bad nerve in children and they are more likely to rebel against parents. We don't reward for good bahaviour because you're moer inclined to do it until you don't get rewards, then you stop doing it. Unfortunatly, people are badly behaved, then do something semi-nice so that they get recognized as beign a nasty person doing something nice, this in turn gets them a reward. Then there are badly behaved people getting rewards.
  12. Woah, that is pretty amazing!
  13. The further I get into the game and save, the more my game crashes. I might have to take it back. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but everytime I save, it freezes and walk into a pokécenter.
  14. Also, younger children are using more and more swear words. I didn't dream of swearing until I was 13, when I was feeling naughty and wanted to sound cool. Now children's first words are swear words.
  15. Nice find. I saw it was blocked when I went on this morning
  16. Nice find. I like these songs actually, might use them as my start up tune. Wait, onestop sounds just like Chocolate Rain...
  17. I think that you should be able to 'hit' them. My dad used to do it and I think it was for the better. My little brother didn't get the same treatment when he was bad, as it was frowned upon and he has a totally different attitude to myself and my brother, which is worse.
  18. Get to the choppa?
  19. I've made a few before but this is really nice Notte! I'll show you some of mine when I get better
  20. Hey! I'm BeatAlex, I usually play on the Infected Wars server. Ywa will now me from WinsauceStudios, he probably wont like me though because of the events that took place there. Hey everyone.
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