Some Greens specific tags 1st attempt 2nd attempt( I think is the best ) Last attempt ( ruined with a dodgy "G" Ok I made some, in, I am terrible at these but I have fun. Other's I've made in the past, My first one, It sucks. My second, It's just a little twizzle which I thought "LOLWAT". Third, Twizzle again!! Except this time it has "SASS" written across and it's hard to see. ( I was showing some to another community ) Fourth, Meant to be a sunrise sort of effect, didn't go well. Fifth, Grass, sky + clouds Sixth, WTF IS THAT?! No outline on the last one, but I felt as if it didn't need one. Re-done as the last one wasn't really a sun rising. I'm keeping the old one in this post though. TO MAKE YOUR OWN: Here is a blank Tag for anyone to copy and work on. <---Right click, then click "Save image as" Save as a .png. You can use any program you want. It's really fun to do.