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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Albzi

  1. You guys are so talented!
  2. Ha Balmung, it's already been done on another forum, Nice one though.

  4. This isn't spam, this is Artistic, it's somehow contributing to this sexy forum space. Go ahead and make one, Notte, it's fun. (7 posts is nothing per day :/ )
  5. Haha amazing!
  6. Didn't think so, thanks for clarifying.
  7. Who?
  8. Wait what? I use [.media]
  9. Some Greens specific tags 1st attempt 2nd attempt( I think is the best ) Last attempt ( ruined with a dodgy "G" Ok I made some, in paint.net, I am terrible at these but I have fun. Other's I've made in the past, My first one, It sucks. My second, It's just a little twizzle which I thought "LOLWAT". Third, Twizzle again!! Except this time it has "SASS" written across and it's hard to see. ( I was showing some to another community ) Fourth, Meant to be a sunrise sort of effect, didn't go well. Fifth, Grass, sky + clouds Sixth, WTF IS THAT?! No outline on the last one, but I felt as if it didn't need one. Re-done as the last one wasn't really a sun rising. I'm keeping the old one in this post though. TO MAKE YOUR OWN: Here is a blank Tag for anyone to copy and work on. <---Right click, then click "Save image as" Save as a .png. You can use any program you want. It's really fun to do.
  10. Welcome back!
  11. Albzi


    I have joined some friends in this comp, so hopefully we can compete against you!
  12. Albzi

    Gears of war 3

    I just think that the second GoW was very rushed and the story line started to drift from whatever it was in the 1st one.
  13. Albzi


    LOL! ?
  14. Albzi


    He's not one of them though.
  15. I don't like it when my pc crashes every so often.
  16. 8) Be bestfriends with Clavus IRL.
  17. Yeah, that's Area 51... What's ARE 51? Also, you quoted wrong
  18. Yea it was. Step #3 Ah sorry! But if you know the code already then how is it hacking? Also, what's an Are 51? :>
  19. inb4 they ask you to pay so you can have your account back.
  20. Hacking the safe wasn't in the original plan, my friend.
  21. Albzi


    In fairness, Ywa started it.
  22. Albzi


  23. Sorry for small bump. Xbox - BeatAlex & XxCarbonxKillxX Steam - beatalex1 PSN - BeatAlex
  24. Man's best friend.
  25. And what part of this at all is considered "hacking"? Wouldn't it be "How to break into"?
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