^ This. There are several groups that band together. The Gentlemen (Wixern, Swizard, MysteryImp) The insane (insane.FadeNoir andIforgottherest) The I. (I.Spy, I.Fly, I.Die, etc) The Axon and his medic bitch. Sometimes, when a new round starts, it takes ages to get those teams full, cause everybody is waiting to join them. Also people who arent part of those clans, they still wait cause they know who will win... And there are many people who play a lot and are good players, but arent part of anything, who join those teams. That makes the difference even bigger! And just like 'today' they all leave together and then suddenly that team sucks or is empty! But still... what can you do about it, if they cant play together they will get angry oO But now sometimes you get stressed because your team faillss XD (+ You guys should play more often in the payload server!!!! cause it has exactly the same problem)