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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by waspy.

  1. ı also need graancoıns lıfe ıs sad wıthout
  2. WHAT? what is the problem with farming gcs? is it against the new era of admins' rules?
  3. 5/10
  4. waspy.


    That right , that wrong . we go the hope
  5. ignore all BR| clan members and you be gud
  6. Well, I'd say your application is old enough to have the final reply. Older than two other applications that were accepted. Two CnT members were recruited, (nothing against it, I find Haze and Pol, fine). Just that, intelz is a race player, and Cena is never on race, eventually he doesn't know race players. But knows his clan members. So intelz I suggest you to join CnT and play more on mix Or bier could look after race players apps.
  7. I personally find so many other horns way more irritating, and they keep on store. so what
  8. no one knows what it means but it's provocative. :eatpaper:

  9. Nts needs luck, but also wisdom to control the cars u randomly get and knowledge, to know how the handling is for each vehicle, RTF is race. Map knowledge is key. SH is skills, but also requires a good internet, and ping helps a lot. DD u need lil bit of skills, vehicle knowledge, and some luck I’d say.
  10. Of course not, if you don't enjoy the map, simply get away from the keyboard. /afk. Eat something, pee, jack off, close your eyes and count til 800, meditate, smoke a joint, dance, go to the supermarket, buy some doughnuts, go outside, hunt unicorns, go down to your garage, feel the engine of your car, listen to the engine, engage first gear, accelerate it, crash into the wall... get fractured bones, blood at your head, call the ambulance, go to the hospital. GET WELL. Just don't post a thing you are sure it won't happen, because SH is the most adorable gamemode.
  11. ofc it is race my man, two manana side by side. It couldn't be nts definitely
  12. 7/10
  13. You are always starting a fight, saying that people hate france, and that if someone says something about France they are racists and so on. Politics/ethnicity is not to be discussed and it’s not appropriated. You were banned for a week this time. You were unbanned from a permanent ban already, and still you act the same. Mind It’s your last of the last chance, if ever you act again like that, you are going to be permanently banned, IP ban from the server and forums. I have talked to @MADKILLER and malleably, we decided to give you one last chance.
  14. Informing the most relevant thingy. Btw if u guys are interested, my name color is #000000 Good luck
  15. waspy.


  16. Map for day 1: CTF Sedans Map for day 2: CTF Bridge Map for day 3: DD Car attack random markers xd (。◕‿◕。)
  17. It's not just a matter of bad internet, but location. People from Australia, NZ, the foot of America.. Some Asian parts.. Antarctic.. how will penguins play?
  18. waspy.

    hi :)

    hi (:
  19. waspy.

    smash or pass?

  20. Rhino is fun man It is a matter of luck, whether you survive with it and kill people, or you bug and get ejected to heaven
  21. no, dumper could have passed that gap there. And you can actually drive a dumper on DD edges. Combine you cant. Combine on DD means be stopped, or fall down.
  22. Nah he's wrong, no need to delete ultra marathon nor dozer, or any other vehicle. Combine harvester, blocks a lot, and some spaces it doesnt even pass.
  23. yea none of those maps need a delete. The only thing really that needs a delete is combine harvester. Vehicle with which, you can't pass through some points.
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