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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by waspy.

  1. @STR8KASH u such a pussy
  2. remove ctf
  3. Man that's ok, a white car wont kill anybody
  4. as high as the bird
  5. no clue about wat ur trying to do but i wanna join the clan xd
  6. Cock, stop being cringy and kiddish we're trying to find a good point for everyone, and btw there will be ctf for you to play a lot there. Since i know you play it and enjoy it the most isnt it. Imagine, you'd have a whole server for your favorite mode!
  7. All that matters is that CTF is pure cringe, and if there's people to defend it there would have certainly people to play it. It fits better in a separate server bcs its a Teaming and Score mode.
  8. good idea, then people who like CTF and/or Manhunt would play only in that server. Really good And make some option for the players to decide either blue or red team to participate, as you said 16 people server halved to 8 each team, choosing the team color by option. Would be better. Then the gamemode can be added to F2, just like Race and Mix @Bierbuikje (and as its a new server, new features can be added to these modes, like putting a name for the team, editing the CTF or Manhunt map, like putting the number of rounds you want, the time rules... and so on) To my mind an unique server for CTF would be better, then only players who really like it are gonna play and dispute it. You managers can have some base on FFS server, there's a gamemode there called CarBall, It has really became succeeded in-server Gamemode there.
  9. nope i never liked NTS bro.. but its an acceptable mode, dd is also acceptable. Shooter gets skipped bcs of Cargame mostly.. and also noobs who like DD bcs its fun for them to fall from the edge. Man no ctf its cancer.. I like to play it lonely tbh, sometimes your teammate kills or rams you out bcs he wants to take that flag.. just foolish.. and ye we have to finish fucking CTF to be free for SH.. Thats regress for life.
  10. bier, badping, and others, never see bier playing on mix, if i saw u twice it was too much, neither badping, cock, u just like fapping and being idiot, (but u still my friend) sandy, when i was newbie on mix i used to like CTF. Nowadays I realize the shit it is. Well you guys can throw myself to the bonfire, I'll still die thinking what I decided to think at the very first time.
  11. First of all Mr. BadDog, I never see you playing. It's easy for you to tell that CTF is amazing, of course you join once in a year. You don't get bothered to play it, because, yea its fine, you only join once in a year. Eventually you don't care about tops, at all, all you care is playing like an idiot pretending you are a dog and also creating, as you name it, a "Chaos" oh wow! so chaotic, take the flag and explode your car. Man that's not chaos, [SH] is the real Chaos. Where you have to DESTROY others to WIN. And of course you will disagree because you ain't got enough xp neither skills to survive at least 1 minute of a Shooter round in a grand arena for Gamma. You said I lack the "leadership skills" to "organize" the team and push them to victory. Man please I get bothered of playing it because I can do win with only one more player, a behe clone? Not actually, just anyone who knows to get a flag and return it. Not hard indeed pal. :) My life skill is my individuality. I prefer to play it me and one skilled player versus the entire server. Yes two skilled players can win a server over. This gamemode doesn't work for random teams. Neither with nabbers all around, People who just want to see their car destroyed and get delighted with the "Chaos" haha. Hmm and what else, all remaining stuff you said is bullshit. Oh, and Second of all. As I meant, you are just another unskilled loser who needs "teaming" to win shit. So, Alright Mr DogCrap, oh I mean BadDog. Shit its wrong agian, BadPing, is it? Farewell.. Never seen it before. Cya someday online.. Hopefully.
  12. Yea I am a loser because I'm trying to give this crap a better end, and ofc noobs are majority, lol who said they aren't, plus don't be a kid saying the word "cry" because differently of crying I'm just giving my opinion.
  13. I'm not brainwashing, don't be stupid. Those are my Arguments. People can agree with that or not. Its not a pain in the anus for the dumb ones because they get molested by their lack of skill all the time, they just don't feel it
  14. that's just the truth
  15. I know the fucking majority will vote for it to stay, because they dumb. The topic is not useless, I made it to contest that CTF is such a pain in the anus and even though it stays Ill always say its a pure shit. So the topic is useful because some people don't understand how shit it is, like thou.
  16. Hello, so I'm posting this topic to prove and to show the reasons why CTF should be removed. The reasons are my points of view and analysis of this Gamemode. A = Answer C = Complement 1. Why is it so good?? A: People who comment that this Gamemode is good have some deficiency in the brain. But seriously, it's Either because he or she (because i have seen loads of girls on mix recently) is looking forward to get more GC's since CTF gives free GC when the team wins, or because he or she is a dumbfuck time waster or just like to pretend that he or she is an unknown breed of dog. 2. Can you do Top Times on this thing? A: Nope, your individuality doesn't mean much. All you can do is take the flag and bring it back to the base, and wew, you get 5 GC for the job. Considering you earn 90 GC's per hour, hmmm, 5 GC sucks, doesn't it? (here goes another feedback to the managers, @Ywa @Bierbuikje @SDK @BlueYoshi97 Please do something about the GC prizes. In the end of the month for example if you are the one with most number of monthly tops you only earn fucking 20 GC! that's pretty bad, all your effort topping all the maps is not well recognized, just a simple AFK hour is better than that effort. Something is really wrong mate.) 3. Its Colors give nausea. C: Yea, when the third NTS round ends or eventually gets skipped on the first round, there comes, Red and Blue colors appear. "OMG time to take it! No wait. Fuck this, I ain't a dog. Free GC anyway. /afk" At that moment I see a chain of people quitting the server. 4. High amount of dumb people killing or blocking the own team. C: Unfortunately we haven't got such plenty list of skilled players, it seems every day I see 40 new "white named" players, so this mode gets even more annoying whether you really like it or not. 5. It almost never gets a "Play Again". (85% of the times) C: Well I don't understand why it should stay if it's almost never played again. Means that it's not worth it play it again, I assume. It's not even worth it the very first round, being honest. 6. It's meaningless. C: As I already told, you cannot top it. There's no objective. 7. Was substituting CTF with Manhunt a mistake?? A: Yes it was, but if we had Manhunt instead, it would still have brainless players all around to fuck that up. 8. A manager arranged a Poll to Remove it! C: Wait a second, something being put into discussions? Hmmm Maybe because such a thing is really annoying players... TRUE (actually I guess the one who did the poll wants it to be removed. I don't know... that's just a thought.) ------------------------------------- PS. All those people who voted for CTF to stay, most of them join the server like twice in a trimester, I never see them, so why are you inactive players voting for something?? You vote for it to stay but you are not there to make this fucking CTF round end! capturing the flag like a fool dog from a base to the other to be finally able to play the next game mode. Regards, With hate, behemoth. (jk)
  17. delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-deletedelete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete-delete
  18. blonde power
  19. impressive results, cant believe 21st century and people want it to stay! Jesus might be coming
  20. waspy.


    @Sky.meh nice work I like the bmx part on the first vid, spiderman xD
  21. Lol F1MAD is asking for challenges?? Is he really capable to not fail at least 1 of them? It might be funny anyway, but i hope some skilled players get challenged as well. So cmon for f1mad, I dare you to REACH 65 per cent of the map [RTF] A Great Adventure. (It means, survive the wall ride). Hehe peace out
  22. R.I.P ✞ mr.reese, ✰ 2012 - ✞ 2017
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