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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by waspy.

  1. hypocrisy or just fooling? Good luck.
  2. Ohh. Selam though
  3. Selam mannn
  4. selam
  5. selam
  6. FaP| Fools and Peckerheads, right? yes
  7. working out to beat anorexia I'll have [CTF] Sedans InGame nick: Satyricon
  8. Hoofdan wasnt ramming to protect his position too, he rammed only to screw up, he even went out of the road for that as u can see on the vid.
  9. I dont think so, its problem is in the core of the server, probably the server should be totally remade for a total smooth control with the cars.. Or only if SDK can do it, I'd be really proud of him if he could solve it, since it's real tough job, but i dont think its impossible
  10. waspy.


    may @Gametaff 's will be realized.
  11. yea thats what i told, mr.green is heavy-scripted, low fps will screw up ur movements too, but it isnt ur case so. There are lots of features and stuff that makes it heavy.. one example is the shooter mode, it's heavier than normal ones, like if u have bad connection you delay your actions, like press lmb to shoot, if u lag it just shoots 1 sec later, (that happens to bad wifi connections high ping and - without cable.) On other servers, shooter mode doesnt lag your car, if you have a bad connection you just seem to lag for other players, idk if u can get what i mean but thats it.
  12. I think I know what DanizZ means. You notice that change because other servers are more light-scripted than this one, also the problem is FPS. If you reach 99 - 100 FPS you'll see it's easier to control, therefore you see your Infernus turning with more agility, steer down, up, spacebar spins.. I see there are a few things in Mr.Green that makes it a heavy server.
  13. The point is that insults generate more insults, and that was my way to try to amenize the problem. Plus I do agree that Mariana insults a lot, and she gets punished, as well as I also see people insulting her back. The best way to solve that, next time is muting Mariana and the others who are provoking and/or making fun over her, even more because that's non-English. well.
  14. I joined the server and desperately Mariana came to me on F3 saying that you were insulting her, demanding a mute. I talked to you on F3 and told you that Mariana had reported you, in fact I wouldn't mute someone only because a player demands it plus without having any proofs, so I warned you. Mariana tells me she's constantly insulted in Spanish by some players and says she doesn't know how to send screenshots or make them for a forum report. Anyway, consider that just a warn not to piss her off. Yes Mariana usually has her angry insultive moments. We got our eyes on her, don't worry.
  15. Heavenly monitor
  16. waspy.


    yea everyone on the list have their hack special hability, like me, sky and skilzz at shooter, danizz at deathmatch, sandy, rovan, zeus, blank at race.
  17. waspy.


    Fits better
  18. waspy.


    Some people say we "Hax" h҉h҉hhh҉h҉hh҉hh҉҉hhh҉hh҉hhh҉hh҉hhh҉h :-) Haxers: • Ghest (Brazil) • SandySweet (Poland) • Sky (Lithuania) • Skilzz (France) • BlanK (Morocco) • =FoX=rovan. (Poland) • ReVenGe (United Kingdom) • n4m7 (United Kingdom) • Lasse (Denmark) • SK.Magik(Poland) • Brolius (Poland) • [SiK]Megas (Bulgaria) • [SiK]BerzerK (Croatia) • Modestep (Peru) • Casta (Poland) • Mateoryt (Poland) • HaRCoR7(Israel) • qRew (Turkey) • Akeno (Turkey) • DaBaS (Greece) • Maher (Israel)
  19. Wish you good luck man- Cena (your skin :D)
  20. is that what you seeking on tinder?
  21. Definitely I can't believe in those things I seen. I, in my first week as moderator trying to take the things seriously, actually do that job correctly and fairly, made me think being rigid and serious is not the right way to be a staff in Mr.Green. I now see what administrating/moderating this server is, no cares, no worries otherwise the hatred will fall over your face even though you are just trying to put some order. So, Repeating many letters for me is considered spam, (spam = unwanted/unnecessary message) Anyway he kept repeating himself which wasn't his first time, with that laugh which can actually be represented by "kkkk" in portuguese not all those "k" that he has done. The other guy was muted by non-english, but why? Because I have told him to stop that, he was provoking the other player in portuguese which is my language and I can understand and spamming the chat since that was portuguese and not english, and of course, the man who posted that didn't show the other side of the coin, the whole historic, because he is there to screw me up since he hates me because I'm white. (in fact, I am not racist, once I had a friend who is black in real life. I just hate people who don't want to build up some knowledge). So if that is not spam then someone has to teach me what spam really means. Also, the /rules say in the 2nd phrase that the main language is English, if the chat gets spamic by non-English mods/admins have the right to tell to use f3  instead, which I've done before muting the other guy and he kept using portuguese and annoying with that spam. So I decided to mute, and of course the poster didnt show the whole historic, since he was willing to screw me up. I'm really sad about this server, I'm trying hard and what do I get? stinky crap on my back. Anyway yoshi told me to be myself when I asked "Should i be like the other admins? don't care about the chat health as much?" and said sorry for the inconvenience. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. waspy.


      Thanks for the support guys

      i couldn't give like on ur comments @Maher and @r0cK, a bug somehow, but keep in mind that I'm grateful

  22. waspy.


    Another useless post from you, Steam. You had a large way to overtake him. In the first and second screenshot Jansse is even typing which means you could just do reverse and steer your car to the right. And as I can see you are the only one who gets "blocked" by ALL the players. I wonder why. Better you have made a video, because those screenshots are purely scenic.
  23. Good luck
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