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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by QTesla

  1. Ok. Thank you for that.

    Also, This whole thing me and Grasshopper did is good and I think it's really working, so next time, can we get the whole MC server to actually participate? It's ok if you want to solo, but I think it's much cooler working together.

  2. Rinka needs to be seriously banned.

    Not listening, To what? Killing people in our community place, You/They Killed me first Destroying buildings and placing objects everywhere wasnt me i was building a house on a free stop (AFAIK) and generally being an ass. You started it

    I've asked for Ywa and Darkstar but they didnt respond..

    Oh and thanks for getting me banned for nothing

    if you built where you was supposed too, it would of been ok. You were not going to contribute to our village, which was the whole point of it. We asked nicely, you told us to fuck off and we can build somewhere else...

    Whatever, I hear you're getting unbanned now

  3. Rinka needs to be seriously banned.

    Not listening, Killing people in our community place, Destroying buildings and placing objects everywhere and generally being an ass.

    I've asked for Ywa and Darkstar but they didnt respond..

  4. I'm still stuck in a damn hole.

    I was at one point. I mined so far down that it was impossible to get up

    Oh no, this is different. Someone built a cavern at the spawn when it was possible to destroy the blocks around it. Needless to say, it's not possible anymore, and I'm in that cavern. There's no exit.

    Oh the creepers blew it up?

  5. I recommend you should get Pokémon Crystal (same generation as Gold and Silver) for the GBC/GBA. It's, in my opinion, a lot different and more exciting than Gold or Silver.

    I played this and it's amazing. It's the same as gold/silver through most of it but in the end it gets a lot better.

  6. 2 years later, Mr.greens lay in the dust,

    the steel strong forums just turned to rust,

    The noobs and boobs were not fussed

    but we know,

    revival of the forum is a must.

    That's right, year 2012,

    this worlds upside down,

    turned into hell,

    no smiles just frowns.

    But don't you see?

    from the powers that be,

    a bright light beaconed

    "get fun for free"

    Not sure any of this makes sense but I was busy with other stuff while reviving this most awesome thread.

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