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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by HITMAN25

  1. you were scared
  2. so why you didnt beat us as you got king in all modes
  3. please shut ur lil ass you lil sh kid
  4. @Dubby meets the cnt requirements go CnT|Dubby
  5. may be you are in a wrong section. lil sh kid this way
  6. shut up kiddo
  7. You banned from aos though
  8. Good job AoS
  9. isnt 5000 kill too much
  10. well i rly dont know wts the issue between venomous and you neither do i care but as far as i know mekuar and civan i think both of them doing their duties well and meku is one of the mod who makes fair decision
  11. Gerçekten ben liderini hakaret (biri hariç) tüm Türkler için özür istiyorum. Ben gelecekte daha olmayacak size sağlamak istiyoruz
  12. MR Green Gaming Amsterdam, Netherlands Respected Mr green community, I am typing to you today to apologize for my poor behavior in game. As I know I insulted a lot of people out there in Mr green and I really want to sorry to all Turks (except one) that I insulted your leader. I want to ensure you that it won’t happen again in future. And want to apologize to all players if I was rude to you and did some sort of insult. These are just not my words I will try to implement them. In the future I promise to make better choices. I know saying these things wont change my previous sin. I gave some days in observing myself and will try my best to change my behavior. Thank you for your time and please accept my apology. Sincerely, H!TM@N
  13. HITMAN25

    Show your car

  14. Wts lol in that Not for you
  15. Eww no space for noob players
  16. Who r u??
  17. Good luck
  18. please stop doing mellow drama here we dont care what you think
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