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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by HITMAN25

  1. nice language
  2. AoS|H!TM@N
  3. he said some shit to me first i dont remember that but thats sure i wont say anything first
  4. ty ty not most of the time, anyway, ty
  5. good luck meku
  6. plus that guy told me " country insult" i didn't find any country insult in name mexico so obliviously i would ask you
  7. i asked very politely rather than being rude.
  8. "i told please to change his name, because some people used to insult him saying "Fuck mexico" or "Fuck you mexico" and that doesn't' make me feel comfortable (obviously im Mexican), he accepted kindly." this was enough explanation for me. i dont find it long.
  9. well as far i know i didnt did any mistake. changing nick is not the worthy thing to do ban.
  10. ty
  11. ty
  12. ty
  13. Ty
  14. Ty
  15. ty
  16. Ty
  17. ty
  18. Ty
  19. ty ty well i wont explain you and ty
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