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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. So yeah as far as i can see this will be the end of Mr.Green Zombie survival R.i.p.
  2. Comeon guys , whatever you do the FUN isn't comein back. We need bring back the good old barricadeing times. 1. Suport - +1 nail per supply crate - good idead 2.Berserker - no ideas 3.Medic - i agree that medics are bit overpowerd at the moment bbut what happens when medic's can healthemselfs while standing - Means there should be like teamwork like striker team and healing so bring back the good old zs maps , with barricadeing ,so people dont run around like chikens like in the moment. 4.Suport-Aegis barricade kit back! this thing rules . Well my biggest and best idea is Arsenal Upgrades.. so delete supply crates make the zs to ZS again ! Ohyea forgot - Please keep the zombie crosshair and make propkilling more active like when u hit a human with a prop then he will die.
  3. Gameserver: Mr. Green Zombie Survival Age: 15(birthday 15may) Country of origin: Estonia little country next to Russia , below Finland Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:Well , i am young and i accept that but im geting older.I lived in zombie survival (retired now) but if i am the selected on then i am going to be active player again.I like to help people on zs , give tips and something like that.I would keep server alive. Thank you.
  4. Ha,, when was the pic done , N7? ,cause usually humans die on this map ~ 15 min so yeh
  5. Okay i am Unselect in-game but now something in real-life Name:Kaur Age:15 years old From:Estonia Hobbies:ZS,Hookah,School Pic:
  6. XD not much i have 5 computers i have stored 30 lite of pepsi for bad days i just watched tokyo drift and checked forum my other laptop is open cause i neede to do my homework and i dont to it on my big computer
  7. Well this is my shitty room i didn't clean it otherwise it would look better.. Yeh I better don't tell my pc spec's cause they are shitty..
  8. What is this chisaster oslt is thinking , is there a way to remove the server ? Well what an asshole There is one and only MR GREEN ZS !
  9. But Clavus , is it worth idea..?
  10. I thinked about that and .. we should make a bug searching day. We allow to search:donaters,E.U members,admins. Like we put password on server for like 30 min - 1h And then we start gliching,expoiting and stuff and try it out . When we find something we talk about it and write it down. I don't know is this possible but i just wanted to write my ideas down What do you say?
  11. My faf songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1Vo7NOpKoE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wh23g5Q2Z0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3RQXbtNKfQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cgAegw0ORM thats it for this time.
  12. To: Robo I know what is problem, cause i had same problem. 1.Close all non-need app's (msn,skype,and all other stuff that is not needed) 2.Low your gmod settings if you have all on high then take something to medium. 3.Enjoy
  13. Yeh i do have replacment pack i love it , it's so much better and cooler (My picture is made for zombie survival not for left4green)
  14. I knew this site the first but i kept it secret well im 22 place now
  15. One pic i made as zs fan
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