Comeon guys , whatever you do the FUN isn't comein back. We need bring back the good old barricadeing times. 1. Suport - +1 nail per supply crate - good idead 2.Berserker - no ideas 3.Medic - i agree that medics are bit overpowerd at the moment bbut what happens when medic's can healthemselfs while standing - Means there should be like teamwork like striker team and healing so bring back the good old zs maps , with barricadeing ,so people dont run around like chikens like in the moment. 4.Suport-Aegis barricade kit back! this thing rules . Well my biggest and best idea is Arsenal Upgrades.. so delete supply crates make the zs to ZS again ! Ohyea forgot - Please keep the zombie crosshair and make propkilling more active like when u hit a human with a prop then he will die.