It was never my intention to get Military banned, who told you that. Maybe because I posted in this topic. Where do I post it anyway, I've been looking around on the forums and this section came up with more posts asking to get some one marked as a blocker. Yes I'm trying to show I'm willing to take responsibilities in this server as I mentioned in my application, is something wrong about that? I'm keeping my attitude low at all times even when people start joking about me. I don't want to make any enemies here, but you as an admin/moderator should have stopped there as you crossed a line. And I feel bad you wont say a sorry towards me even if it was a " joke ". About the hotel part, thats possible yes. But that's not something I can smell, right? And I didn't know Military to good so that's why I reported him earlier. And I will keep reporting players if I see them blocking as I have been marked as a blocker too on my first day when I accidently got stuck. But I didn't really care about that if it's only a /blocker status. And once again I'm not really sure why you guys keep "bitching" about the fact I reported him and action has been taken. This 12 hours are the past and you guys keep digging it up again. I hope you understand me as well, Greetings. PS. He(his hotel friends as you call them) was definately blocking Schweini on the bridge earlier, and he was not upset with that. Then when I finished I spectated Military to see what he did there.