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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by r0cK

  1. Pro clan!! ☺
  2. Thankyou so so so much Vilen! And omg you promised to make me famous! I'm curious now
  3. r0cK

    Core Markers

    This is an awesome update. I like all the maps with these coremarkers and I'm sure it will only get better. This reminds me of Mario Kart which I loved to play as a kid. Great great great!! ☺
  4. r0cK

    The day after

    It was never my intention to get Military banned, who told you that. Maybe because I posted in this topic. Where do I post it anyway, I've been looking around on the forums and this section came up with more posts asking to get some one marked as a blocker. Yes I'm trying to show I'm willing to take responsibilities in this server as I mentioned in my application, is something wrong about that? I'm keeping my attitude low at all times even when people start joking about me. I don't want to make any enemies here, but you as an admin/moderator should have stopped there as you crossed a line. And I feel bad you wont say a sorry towards me even if it was a " joke ". About the hotel part, thats possible yes. But that's not something I can smell, right? And I didn't know Military to good so that's why I reported him earlier. And I will keep reporting players if I see them blocking as I have been marked as a blocker too on my first day when I accidently got stuck. But I didn't really care about that if it's only a /blocker status. And once again I'm not really sure why you guys keep "bitching" about the fact I reported him and action has been taken. This 12 hours are the past and you guys keep digging it up again. I hope you understand me as well, Greetings. PS. He(his hotel friends as you call them) was definately blocking Schweini on the bridge earlier, and he was not upset with that. Then when I finished I spectated Military to see what he did there.
  5. r0cK

    The day after

    Hello, As you might know or not, I have reported Military for blocking yesterday. I did this by recording his actions and posting them on this forum. Actions have been taken against him and he was /blocked for 12 hours. Now one day later I met Military via IRC as I changed my name and he noticed, then he kinda started trying to piss me off in all kind of ways. As this was not enough AleksCore entered the chat with his stuff, everything can be seen in the screenshots below. I feel kinda bad being treated like this after reporting some one, which is just to keep this server fun to play. Therefore I hope something will be done against this. Please take your time viewing these screenshots as there is a lot of text. Thanks in advance. Screenshots Legenda: Light Green: MILITARY - Dark Green: ALEKSCORE - Blue: ME
  6. Danke.
  7. Best, Thanks for taking your time reviewing this post. In the video (below) you can see Military blocking everyone else from entering the hangar to finish. People desperately go around trying to find a way to finish, but unfortunately it's imposible from the outside to finish the map. https://youtu.be/qjAPq5uH6yY Thanks in Advance [bE]R0Ck
  8. Thankyou Henry
  9. Hahahahahahaha Thanks
  10. Same here, thanks though! Thankyou Sir
  11. Thankyouuuu!!! Hahaha, oei Oke tot dan
  12. Thankyou for your positive feedback Megas See you in game. Greetings
  13. Gameserver: MrGreenGaming.com RACE and MIX Age: 20 Country of origin: Belgium Link to Steam Community profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thisisjustforatest/ Minecraft name **: N/A Ingame name: KoM|r0cK Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Picture of me and my best friend: I'm not new in MTA, I play since 2009 on a daily base. I've been playing roleplay for the past 4 years and some racing in Mr Greengaming now and then. Now the time has come I quit roleplay definitive. I came back to Mr Greengaming and I am enjoying myself every day. Since September I'm playing each single day in the race server and sometimes in the MIX. Due to the high amount of pro's in the racing server my skills have been going up amazingly lately. Since November I'm playing 90% of my time in MiX as I joined KoM and I kinda like the maps there too. The reason I apply for administrator is because I'm known with the job. In roleplay I have been an admin and gamemaster(supporter) which helps people with their questions and roleplay stuff. My English is not perfect but it's fairly okay to be an administrator. Edit: I've seen a lot of blockers and some server advertisements whilst none admin/mod was online or active. I hope in the near future to pick a role as moderator or administrator to "eradicate" these server advertisements, blockers, offensive people, ... In short I'm ready to take responsibilities as an administrator. If you have any more questions, you can always pass them to me. PS. You can add me on steam as I'm playing MTA with steam overlay. Greetings Sibrecht aka KoM|r0cK
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