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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by r0cK

  1. Alright maybe for players with a lower end pc it lags but for me it's really okay. But I'm happy Zero is back already
  2. Hmmm okay thanks for re-adding Zero Nuisance and really? Me and Megas doesn't have FPS drops
  3. Pramod Kumar Sometimes it helps to log out via F6 - Register/Login and log back in, if it's not shown after that a reconnect should fix it. Did it a couple of times and didn't have any trouble with it.
  4. Hi there today some people requested me to buy Zero Nuisance which is a great RTF map. There was only one problem when I gone to the Maps Center..., the map was deleted. " Players can't finish " cmn @neox. this map isn't even that hard compared with " A great Adventure ". But that's not all.. So I went further in my search and decided to buy Osmanli Imparator another great RTF map, but again this got deleted for FPS drops by @MADKILLER reason FPS drops. Really man? I didn't have any lags at all, and nor do a couple of others I asked. What's going on by deleting all these great RTF maps where so many work has been put in.
  5. And I am Nobody then, because I like them.
  6. There should be an age restriction on people who can apply to be an admin. Too many people are still in their pubirty aka childish behavior. I always play at MiX so I'm not sure how Megas has changed over the past year. Hereby my opinion about this subject.
  7. r0cK

    boyka insulting

    I have to correct you on that.. 2months and 1 day
  8. r0cK

    boyka insulting

    @AleksCore that's what happens if the server keeps adding kids in the position of an admin. My opinion kthnxbye
  9. Server: MIX Reason: BAD RATING Mapname: [RTF] With A Horse
  10. I have to wake up saturday at 3.30AM for work. I hope I can attend the event. Last year was amazing too.
  11. Server: MIX Reason: BADLY RATED Mapname: [CTF]COOKIE
  12. Server: MIX Reason: DISLIKES Mapname: TOP OF THE BASE
  13. Oh haha that moving CP maps looks like fun! Thanks @Bierbuikje and FantomicanYoshi
  14. r0cK


    Does anyone have more information about this?
  15. I felt like I had to rate this song according to my name, I would say 6/10 for the intro and a 8/10 for the song. 7/10 for the whole song.
  16. This is just one simple example of a huge misunderstanding. This is what needs to happen imo. 1. Unban 2. Apologizes from Stig and Kash, Stig for the misunderstanding and Kash for wearing a KoM tag even if it was for a joke and the unneeded insults. 3. Be all happy, play and be friends again [2016-09-03 12:07:26] CHAT: =FoX=Kasha^1337: i'm sorry for that i said Greetssss!!! @Stig @Kasha666
  17. Didn't you also use KoM tag?
  18. Hmm well, he shouldn't have banned you for using other clan tags as you are in fox indeed. And for the insult he should've muted. My opinion.
  19. r0cK


    Aw how cute!!! @Nibje @Cena
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