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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by r0cK

  1. I know it's annoying when u see other languages in the main chat. I blame myself too as I talk dutch in the main chat quite often but when I see players (I never talk to) speak their native languages I just /ignore them and sometimes I even play with /showchat.
  2. I was in the server when this happened. @Sky.meh you were indeed messing around in chat and "u" chat and also I was getting annoyed. Stig asked you to stop but you didn't seem to listen. In my opinion 12 days is a way to much as you have to be online for those 288 hours . 24 hours would be more than enough imo. Hope you will get the mute lifted or shortened.
  3. r0cK

    Half Life 3

    Didn't even know it was fake
  4. @Flipper @AleksCore ROLL THE DICE I was thinking about this idea some time now. In the past I've seen a few servers with the command !rtd which means roll the dice. This feature does all kinds of things. -50% health +50% health Nitro for 10 seconds Invincible for 10 seconds etc.. another great idea from @besweeet In DestructionDerby if you do !rtd (this can be announced in general chat which action the !rtd does with a certain person) ravebreak for yourself darkness for yourself for a few seconds etc. You could add this to the GC perk tab which would make it even more fun and may let people spend more GC's into the game. If some one could make a script for this and with more neat features it would be a nice addition to the game and a little more fun in my opinion.
  5. I am happy I didn't buy that sh*t as I was going to. Hope it will be deleted or fixed soon.
  6. In my eyes you have changed, sometimes you tend to rage quick but if you can keep calm in the future I think you will be a good addition to KoM| as you are a good player too.
  7. Server: Mix Map name: [CTF] Cookie Reason: 241 dislikes
  8. @Flipper @AleksCore LIKED MAPS QUICK MENU Wouldn't it be a nice idea to have a page where you can see your personal /like'd maps, with if possible the maps description, author, mapname, likes and dislikes shown. You can try one big list you can see via your account settings with maps from Mix and Race separated, or two lists, one in the mix server and one in race server like the achievements. Sometimes when I like a map, this means I want to play that one in the near future. The problem is, I tend to forget the map names from those I really like. That way a list with your personal liked maps could be a nice feature. Pro's: Easy to find your personal favorites More GC spends on map buys Might lead in more donations towards the server Cons: I have no scripting knowledge nor do I have a script available Thanks in afvance
  9. That's a good idea! That way maps will get votes and in the future maps can be deleted quicker based on votes. Cons: People might just type /like for GC's
  10. I agree with you Reese, I've played a long time without the perk too. But because everyone was using it against me I bought this perk and if you have it, it is awesome. I don't know why you don't want to buy the perk. It's also a good idea to disable teamkilling in CTF because it's so annoying.
  11. DIFFICULT ROADS OFTEN LEAD TO BEAUTIFUL DESTINATIONS - Verdant Meadows Airfield (abandoned airstrip) most likely based on the Kingman Airport. @Ilyas Begzat starring KoM|qReW - @Issei starring FaP|RiaS - @???? starring [L]ipin
  12. What do you mean lonely topic?
  13. Age: 20 Country of origin: Belgium Link to Steam Community Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thisisjustforatest/ Ingame name: KoM|r0cK Little something about your self; I'm not new in MTA, I play since 2009 on a daily base. I've been playing roleplay for the past 4 years and some racing in Mr Greengaming now and then. Since July 2015 I quit roleplay definitive. I came back to Mr Greengaming and I am enjoying myself every day. Since September I'm playing almost every day/week in the Mr. Green servers and since November I joined a clan in MIX called KoM. I have a custom build gaming PC and waiting for BF1 to come out. If you have any more questions, you can always pass them to me. PS. You can add me on steam as I'm playing MTA with steam overlay. Greetings Sibrecht aka KoM|r0cK
  14. Thanks for your help guys, I pressed Yes first, then tried it again and it came back. Launched GTA SA Singleplayer which booted up normally, tried MTA but no luck. Deleted a file in my GTA User folder didn"t fix it too. I turned my PC off, watched some tv for a couple of hours, when I put it back on the problem was fixed. Karma is playing with me huehuehue. Thanks @MegasXLR @MADKILLER! and @Cena for your help through facebook.
  15. Wadafak! Rami ur crayyyzeeee!!!
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