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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by race

  1. Gameserver: MTA Mix And Race Age: 14 (19-10-2000) almost 15 Country of origin: Dutch / The Netherlands Link to Steam Community profile *: //////// Minecraft name **: Westheim Ingame name: Westheim Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I Just Want To Stop Blockers first i give them an warning and then as they dont stop blocking i use /b on them Or Report Hackers Or Buggers To An admin giving spammers first and warning as they dont stop report them to an admin with /report or ingame But My English issnt very very good but i try to be better in it!
  2. Good Work mrSDK!
  3. Remove this shit
  4. Oranje! Attack
  6. Mvr Janssen Good Luck Vriend
  8. race


    SDK can u unban me from IRC -Westheim (Old Race)
  9. Kalibwoy What have you done! to the servers! (haha)
  10. ;/ i wanna play
  11. Goodluck Bitch
  12. Who is Driver76? Never heard of him/her/it. He is a cool guy but he was spreading my full name and facebook all over Mr. Green with DOOZYJude and MD.... I was very mad at him and now he always names me with my last name.. Thats not true Schuddinck Listen To Knul
  13. Good Bye Sandy! My friend (i hope u come back later) Best Skiller of MrGreen
  14. ye my english issnt good and i need to work on it SDK close this topic cuz its worthless
  15. Good Luck Matiasz
  16. you alltime says Race . Shut the fuck up so u need to stfu
  17. Good Luck
  18. Gameserver: MTA Mix - Race Age: 14 (19-10-2000) Country of origin: Dutch Link to Steam Community profile *: //// Minecraft name **: iBrisca Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: i know i have some issues with this server (SDK) but i still love this server`s (Mix-Race) i want to first warning the rule breakers than /k or /b and report people that swear just /b blockers report swearers Greetings Race
  19. Good Luck ! Dutch Powa!
  20. Good Luck!
  21. tittytotaconfapzonlations !! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3!!
  22. Congrazolations Cocky!
  23. GoodLuck! Edokutovski
  24. cena is right and i have done soo much bad things but we all need to learn but as i do u on mix and say hi megas says stfu dont talk or someting around that
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