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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by race

  1. nie nie
  2. ** My name was than, Westheim **
  3. ** add me to Kicked players @Santiii733 **
  4. @Criss Elena jk
  5. Herzlich Glückwunsch
  6. race


  7. +1
  8. i left, i rejoined then i got kicked
  9. i left. ( got reasons )
  10. Its Cargame, no team
  11. On our way to Coventry 


    Good Luck guys!

    World Final F1!

    1. race
    2. race


      ^^ old video from 2015


  12. 50/10
  13. 10/10
  14. 10/10
  15. 10/10
  16. Good Luck
  17. Good Luck
  18. race

    Abuse Mad

    1. Name of the person (exact username) who should be banned Madkiller2. What server MTA 3. Reason why he/she should be banned Abuse
  19. race

    unmute Kraats116

    Dubstep, you talked to me in polish i didnt know what you said so i just talked something ? i didnt even knew what you said and mad says soo many times cunt
  20. 1. Your ingame name Kraats1162. Date of your ban 29-8-20163. What game/server are you Muted from MTA / Mix4. Who muted you (only if you know who) Madkiller5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) i only said YOU SKIPPED NTS cunt6. Reason why we should unban you 30 days mute for CUNT?? mad says cunt to some times, WTF
  21. Guten tag!
  22. the only that was Corrupt that was you!
  23. Why so unsportive things guys, its a game
  24. No, it will not
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