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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nibje

  1. this is not looking good for you @Moh i think you need....
  2. i know a good one said @DubStep
  3. hahaha
  4. nitroo amigoo goodluck!!
  5. Cnt back?
  6. He did
  7. Thankyou stiggggg
  8. you too Thankyou!!!
  9. Thanks to all for your support
  10. ty mad Danku Thanks
  11. Thank you Thanks Thankyou!!
  12. Ty zusje
  13. Gameserver: MTA Race/Mix (Mainly Mix) Age:23 Country of origin: The Netherlands Link to Steam Community profile *:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052119202/ Discord name **: Ingame name: Nibje Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be mod: I play in Mix for quite some time now. I have joined the server at 2010-2011 and I took a break for a while and I came back last year. I know a mod is a big responsibility and I have to use it carefully. I know the difference between ramming and blocking so I will make sure to be fair with everyone. There are also so much campers in SH/DD and I can help with that too.
  14. you stole them
  15. OMG right next 2 ur stuff!! noob
  16. Happy holidays i need 1k >:)
  17. i wanna see!!
  18. i will NOT name my first born after you maybe second
  19. Good luck!
  20. Nibje

    Abuse Mad

    30 days is way 2 long
  21. he got scared of cena >:(
  22. Nibje


  23. He just wanted to skype <\3
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