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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathematic

  1. Mathematic


    I think this is a nice game, but multiplayer would be even better like the person who keeps standing (while the rest is pushed off already) and other fun gamemodes. I still wonder where those barrels come from though.
  2. Ik wil niet stoken heur, but I agree.
  3. :')
  4. The only thing I like is editing signs, but why would anyone even be bothered to install that. Does it takes so much time to destroy a sign?
  5. How do I log in on steam with my ps3? ^
  6. True, but still, I wouldn't use my keyboard and mouse on my ps3. :/
  7. No I mean that you simply can't aim as good as a mouse with a controller.
  8. I thought the consoles would be torn apart too since mouse is waaaay better than any controller could be.
  9. Mathematic


    Talking about unending loop.
  10. I had to do it over because I installed 2009 (which is better than 2012 in most cases). Though I wonder why unwrap uvw sometimes doesn't apply my shit when switching back to editable poly/mesh.
  11. Mathematic


    159 points. I wanted to screencap but that doesn't work in the game. Also: where do all those barrels come from?!
  12. I actually meant something more non-multiplayer like GTA Vice City SP.
  13. You weren't even there bro.
  14. ^ Talking about my parents bro? Also, gmod isn't THAT violently (if that really was where the OP was talking about).
  15. Hij is 9 jaar oud en heeft alzheimer.
  16. Besides, there are enough build servers (non-l4g). And after doing that a while it gets boring though.
  17. Result: Clavus and fun still can't be combined in one phrase. A lack of fun, and lag-less playing. To the next time!
  18. You just join as fast as possible when the server is up. Read the first post again.
  19. I think we're kind of full (looking at first post).
  20. Here's my re-textured PS3. Was quite nice to do and the template thing worked out much more (still not perfect though).
  21. Ten eerste, spreek Engels, want dit is een Engels board. If you tell us know what game you want to join, then I'll guide you.
  22. I made it, but when I woke up I didn't expect 3 pages of rage shit in it. But if you agree to stop talking about ponies, and stop using avatars of this sexual harassment pony fetish, I promise we stop talking about it too.
  23. Thanks, I'll post my outcome / retexture when I'm done. Pufulet: mine is better! :< It has my name on it, perhaps you ripped that from someone! (joke )
  24. Do you think I can get that .max file? I'd love to practice on that one.
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