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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathematic

  1. You're right bro. Those pony-faggots don't know when they crossed the line.
  2. My thread with my awesome video got locked because others spammed it with rage.
  3. Thanks for comment. And I see what you mean and I should use another yes, but I guess what it causes to look weird is the roof (combined with that sharp edge), because that's not how it would ever look in real. Also the sizes of the objects in pic #2 are wrong resized, that's why the roof texture is fucked / not recognizable. Thanks.
  4. Hey guise, I modeled and textured a house in 3DsMax. I used basic shapes and some Unwrap UVW for it. The textures are quite fucked because the relative resize is a failure. It is a house with no doors (I was planning on making some simple doors/windows on the texture but was too hard in Photoshop for just a simple test). Comment and feedback and tips are welcome.
  5. CP/PL I thought.
  6. I played GTA Vice City on 10 fps (slow computer, slow computer) and I didn't know how to mod yet, but my first car I put ingame was most likely the Dukes Of Hazzard car I really liked.
  7. Where is the ignore button? I can only report.
  8. Son... I am proud!
  9. I think all ponies should die, no doubt. Don't you think it's kind of gay-ish to be so obsessed with it? At least you lost my respect. Weo and those others never had my respect, but you lost it. May god clear your soul from gay-ish pony fetish (or whatever this must look like).
  10. Horse-faggots.
  11. 0:56, Clavus!
  12. This is what I think of those ponies! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLlOdU_JPmA Hundred2 sacrificed himself.
  13. Those sunglasses do add something to the cool situation. Also I can see your arms looking at the glasses.
  14. The above is true, and I feel games were better when I was a bit younger (like 6 year old), but when I replay those games I'm like: this is shit! I guess every born gamer gets more picky about games by time.
  15. This looks interesting, I might buy.
  16. I'll let me get adviced by Mr.Zunz! If I'm going to buy it which I think I will.
  17. Ear rape with all the auto play, next time make a tutorial on how to access your feelings (with text, no sound).
  18. You can give my sword to Heinix since I don't play on this map and I think he's a sad panda now.
  19. Do we need to be in the server? Why? Can't you just put the winning names here?
  20. You can't blame Corby for playing the gamemode.
  21. You don't get to make the choice, and even then your shit would be invalid. -Zombitch Mathematic
  22. Corby must be accepted!!!!!
  23. Let's just keep it with forum regulars, that's much more enjoyable (but who am I to say, I'm regular). Or just make a regular and non-regular team to do it (perhaps split in 2 days??)
  24. I'm going to buy it perhaps (depends on what the price will be). I bet MrZunz is in!
  25. Navo alias: Squirreldude.
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