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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Deluvas

  1. You've also disabled the players positions on the dynamic map, thus killing the only mini-map available. Thanks! Its broken I think. It's broken on Firefox. Thanks for the notice!
  2. Guys, guys .. don't start 'em flames xD (not talking about Hero) ... You need to notice he used Color Theory in lights .. and a few brush structures look "realistic" .. however the texturing is totally wrong. But, way to go on your first map.
  3. You've also disabled the players positions on the dynamic map, thus killing the only mini-map available. Thanks!
  4. ASM looks like crap anywhere, anytime.
  5. Guys, guys ... what about Palestenians!? ALLAHU AKKBAAR!
  6. Ahahaahahahahahahha .... Hilarious...
  7. Headcrap soup.

  8. Deluvas

    Word creation

    You can't make a thread explicitly for ... for k,v in pairs ( ... )
  9. Apparently, I'm out again, too .. This damn game is so time-wasting and addictive :<
  10. I'm going to quote Clavus: "Not going to happen" (the map is too big) I'd rather go for the island map thing.
  11. Yeah, their defenses are weak and their strategies are broken. PS: I'll ally with you against them!
  12. That's why you should take all things in moderation, even World of Minecraft!
  13. Yes. That would be interesting.
  14. Was it a guy named "Miley" or "Ray" ... ?
  15. I also need your in-game name or steamID.
  16. I couldn't help you then, because I didn't find a match in my backups. If you are more specific of what you lost, I can.
  17. Sorry, but you are either lying or given me a wrong SteamID. Your levels are there.
  18. You are fixed, however I'm still not seeing why this is happening...
  19. From playing in the recent days, I've come to a few conclusions: - The mod is gibberish. - You need to play loads of hours, even full days, to accomplish something and actually have fun. Now for the mod aspects: - The whole power concept is garbage. That means, from two factions, first with 5 players and the second with only 1, the one with greater number wins. This makes sense: more people, more power, however when those people are offline, power is still used; that doesn't make sense. - Being forced to play 24/7 in order to have some fun = garbage. - Not being able to follow your own style tree is also trash. (example: everybody will eventually have the same items) - No proper combat system. (example: you can easily disconnect while being attacked) ...not to mention the bugged out features, from the actual game mechanics. I was right all along .. Shouldn't have tried this trash in the first place. PS: I'm not angry because of the in-game happenings, it's just frustrating, time wasting and no fun. PS#2: You forgot the part where me and bravsein actually trapped your ass, but you kept reconnecting and eventually spawning outside. ..Happy time wasting!
  20. Actually, make redeeming harder and add some penalties (redeeming later) and rewards (redeeming earlier). EDIT: Yeah, good ideas are rare in here. Sorry..
  21. I see... I suspected some things, but now I believe you
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