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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Deluvas

  1. thats very nice OST ..it could fit mr green
  2. i'm on it ..oh btw clavus, can i make abstract maps too? cause i heard you dont put abstract maps into the cycle ...
  3. it sure really is a good zombosphere (zombies + atmosphere = zombosphere ) ... you can disable the shadows on some props so they look nice...(for eg : like the breakable on the front door) . I can't wait to play this .... oh and btw, can you give my map a run too ? cause i wanna play that too
  4. looks nice.. add more detail, put spawn and it should be ready
  5. thats the spirit , samx!! yeah go for the mappers (typo here, i was tired)
  6. Update : removed the monitor+cameras . Reason : drop in fps, lag... (shame =( ) - rmved the func_tank (its bugged in gmod!). Here it is the iPhone 3G ..uhm pardon me..zs_bog_pubremake ! >>> http://www.2shared.com/file/4341432/d62532...bremake_v1.html <<<< Note#1: yes, i know the map isn't much ... the sky camera doesnt really match the real brush, lightning is wrong in some places, some things just don't seem too mappistic (like so many cars for instance) ..but eh..its for zombie survival not for mapping contest. Anyways, i give credit to the guy that made the Re prefab (the one to secret room) and to the maker of the classical map zs_pub XD. Plot: The old pub has been a crossroad for years, but since zombies came in .. the building was ravaged. No one survived. Years passed and the building became one with dust. Desperate humans searching for shelter against zombies found the old pub ruins, they dag and found a chamber. They expanded it, and build their first HQ there. Then, they built the new pub, along with watchtowers, traps (for zombs). The new pub was also invaded by zombies, but will the humans stand a chance now? We'll see that on left4green! Download the v1 and tell me what you think, test it, if admins wanna change something or ask questions , ill answer to them. =P
  7. i wanted to continue your idea on the pillar thing , but it seems you will finish it :D ..btw i love the zs_clav_pillar map very much! hope you finish this one too ...
  8. i think toxic fumes should get a nerf by -50% damage.
  9. http://www.2shared.com/file/4312118/d8585b...bremake_b2.html . Remember , its beta 2! Updated : - fixed the roof. - added tower - added teleport To Do : - trigger hurt in the ceiling - roof - fix the resident evil room (which i give credits to whom made it - prefab ) - add teleport to tower. Check the map i uploaded, test the spawn points, see what you think , and tell me what to fix/add. Edit : - added trigger hurt on the roof to prevent headcrabbing . Edit : - added teleport to tower! - fixed some textures - added some props, wires. - added some ambient sound - fixed re room - added mounted gun in the tower!! (usable just by humans, low damage (like pistol damage), low rate of fire, limited ammo!) - added monitors in the basement and on the first floor to see how things are working (zombies etc )
  10. i'm curious, you gotta decompile the map , put the toxic area and then recompile it? or you just insert the parameters into the lua file and it automatically creates a brush sort of thing?
  11. hooray! i'll have a human brain toast please.
  12. yep, i agree with roborobb...nerf the fast crabs ..(lower their damage). by 10-20% lets say. Oh and, make an IF for the +25 hp on !rtd. See if the player has hp equal to 100 , then remove this chance. Oh and ,if you can ..add shell power to the hud ..it would be useful to see how much armor you ve got left. thanks.
  13. Update : zs_bog_pubremake_b1 (beta1) Must Do : fix the roof crack - fix the basement to secret room anti noob mechanism .. - add a wooden tower/ maybe replace the mill. - add trigger_hurt between the roof walls (so that crabs cant penetrate lol ) - nodraw-tize all that i can, func_detail-ize..
  14. Firstly, where can i post for Left4Green Zombie Survival English? Ok, so ... about zs_bog_creepyshit : its about 95% complete, but it needs tweaking. (inactive) New Project : zs_pubremake (or whatever you want it to call) - total remake of zs_pub. It's in alpha state. (the map). I'll Upload screens soon. Argh, i cant use more than 500k of space to upload photos . (the first floor of zs_pub is burried as you can see the ruins. There is a small underground facility..the builders of the pub wanted to have some shelter from zombies. 100 years have passed and some people built another pub on top of the old one ...and here it goes again -> zombie invasion) In other words, its just an alpha ..i have to fix lot of things (starting with lightning on the fence and ending with shadows).
  15. Romania......(yeah gypsy land ..)
  16. Deluvas


    ohhh hello there...
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