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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by StartsevaRUS

  1. He will be a good admin if you ac him.
  2. I promised that i will record non-stop... These retards are doing it always what u see on the video + insulting/provoking/trolling all the time. Cutting corner on purpose, which is obvious, blocking and so on. Its just the 1st vid I made. Ban them please, they are doing it all the time. Not mark. Ban pls.
  3. Everything would be just fine if typical for Americans worldview was changed: the naive, but at the same time insulting display of the superiority over all other nations, belief that by some unknown reasons they are better than others, they are special, and that the American way of lifestyle is not just the only right one, but the only acceptable of all. No perfect countries, it's hard to disagree with because what's about countries? Even every of us ain't perfect. But still it's hard to overcome your country in putting own dirty rakes into the places out of your deal and actual interests.
  4. I have read not just the article. I have read the most of the report. Long ago. One thing is small provocations like shoothouts, it's okay in frozen conflicts and it happens from the both sides time to time. Another thing is full military operation (which, repeating again, was started by Georgia). If you are an American citizen then you certainly represent your country, or are you an alien? I did not say that you represent your state and it's policy. If I was thinking that our history is perfect I would not tell you that Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was condemned by the authorities of the USSR. It's interesting, you do not support your goverment but at the same time you are saying like ''there is no perfect country'' by that indirectly justifying your foreign policy. With modern weapons it's guaranteed mutual destruction x-many times.
  5. Gain territories? The biggest country in the world? With a lot of land? I dunno where is the logic here. Who started the war in Georgia is not a debatable issue long ago. This question is closed by the EU investigation. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/georgia/6247620/EU-blames-Georgia-for-starting-war-with-Russia.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8281990.stm https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/30/georgia-attacks-unjustifiable-eu Who attacked Ukraine? Russia from the start was for the peace there. Since all this started. We supported the agreement of non-use of force; Maidan have won and Yanukovish agreed to leave: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agreement_on_settlement_of_political_crisis_in_Ukraine This was an important agreement so, all the people in Ukraine with different views will be glad and everything will go by the law. On the next day radicals made the coup. And what's more, EU recognized it. So, the signatures of Steinmeier and other EU politicians in the agreements of 21 february costed nothing. What should do Russia in this sense? When the ''rules of the game'' are broken? To answer by a mirror actions. We supported other forces who disagreed with the coup. Everything was so simple... just go by the agreement of 21 feb and Criema would be still in Ukraine, and in Odessa people would not be burnt alive, and on the Eastern Ukraine would be peace now. But the Ukranian politicians are fantastically stupid. As example: the last interview of the past Ukranian Premier... watch and you will have no questions Russia do not like free will? Okay, what's about the Orange revolution in 2005 in the Ukraine? When won anti-Russian president? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_Revolution Nothing happened because no one destroyed the legal process of power transformation. What's interesting, on the next elections this puppet got only 5% of the votes.
  6. You have said that every country wants power and money and it can be done by evading other countries. I'm sure that you were subconsciously meant your own country which acts on the principle of ''all measures are good''. USA not just evading other countries but breaking in pieces international law, making coups all over the world and even supporting terrorists to replace undesirable politicians with own puppets. The symbol of foreign American policy = the results in Near and the Middle East = total chaos, bloodbath, over million deaths and everything is continuing. USA is joyfully looking at all this mess from across the ocean while Europe facing terror attacks and have to accept a huge waves of refugees. In your media a lot of talks about all-powerful Russian hackers. While not Russia but USA listening own and foreign people, diplomats and statesmen. All over the world. From all possible ways. Last news: as it turned out, the US Consulate in the Germany on fact is hacker center. You are here, you are there, you are everywhere.... After all of this... you as the representative of the USA even dare to compare your country with Russia? It's ridiculous. From the start, look in the mirror. ============================================================= About the Russian ''invasion''. The fall of the USSR led to the breakup of the strong vertical power-hand that was controlling the country. This vacuum was filled with the list of the ethnic conflicts. One of them was happening on the Georgian-Russian boarders. Russian military was there to stop the conflict on the basis of agreements with Georgian goverment. Because the frozen conflict is always better than a real conflict. So, where is invasion, where is the break of international law, what benefits Russia got from sending there peacekeepers in sense of your ''power and money hungry'' wolrdview? But when the president of Georgia became an American puppet he started to ''restore constitutional order'' in the august of 2008. Yes, without saying anything he just started full-scale military actions and all ''civilized'' Western media supported him, because he was ''the victim of the Russian agression''. illegal migrants maybe were your parents who invaded North America and colonised it exterminating the local population? What's about importing slaves from Africa? No? Russia did not enslave the people that were the part of our county by their race or nathionality. The only countries that were forced to join Soviet Union were Baltic States as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. But later, the Congress of Soviet Union condemned this pact and considers it legally untenable. And what is your point? You wanted to explain the conflict with Georgia because of ''illigal migration'' of Russians all over USSR? This is absolutely stupid statement. First of all, since when Ossetians and Georgians are Russians? Secondly, since when the movement of the people within the one country is called ''illigal migration'' but not as a normal, natural process? (maybe you confused with the colonies for which Anglo-Saxons are known, I dunno). As a result, in some past USSR countries there are some % of Russians as well as in Russia a lot of people from past Soviet countries. USSR is gone but even today this process is continuing due to one history, strong cultural, family and political ties. But the peculiarity of this migration is that people move more to Russia than Russians move there. That is why Russia today is a second country in the world by migrats. For you USSR is a devil because you grown on anti-Russian propaganda, which was 40 years ago, which is continuing right now and which will continue in the future. But I am here to show you not my opinion but the facts.
  7. Is it okay that Georgia have killed our military peacekeepers that were standing there on legal basis? UN military peacekeepers. I wonder what would United States do if their people were killed. I remember all the Western media were screaming... ''Russia, stop the war!''. But after the investigation, it turned out, military actions started Mikhail Saakashvili, not Russia. Ooopsss. And Georgia would NEVER START this war with Russia without American support. US was selling own weapons to Georgia, it was teaching Georgian army, your politicians were regularry visiting this country. So, as it turned out... it was American provocation from the start. Americans gave Saakashvili the green light to start this operation. Lets start from the beginning. EU and USA supported and immidietely recognized anti-goverment coup in the capital of Ukraine (which is not putting own nose there, ofc!). But when the people of Eastern Ukraine disagreed with that illegal coup - it's pro-Russian separatists. Again for you: the coup in Kiev was made by the support of Americans. Even Obama recognized it. So, in this sense Russia just supporting own intersts on own boarders like with Gerogia, inst it? While Americans trying to fuck with us putting their nose from the thousands of kilometers from own home.
  8. Examples. Of Russia.
  9. Hello Mosh As you remember you have said that Russia evades this, that Russia evades that... also said that I am brainwashed and insulted me by other words. You also told me that you have read more books than me. So, lets start to talk and find it out? Just you and me. Wikipedia as I said won't help you and won't help me. If you are not afraid... So, are you refusing that US putting their nose not in their deal all over the world? Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Serbia? Breaking international law. Am I lying or what?
  10. Losing the speed on this road. Tha same thing on the Garver bridge in SF. Why is that so happening? San Andreas bug? What else roads like that do you know? Speedometer on the down right corner.
  11. Topic after topic? You can approve but in my mind he is not ready. Wind in the head...
  12. You ofc will come back as u in love with MRgreen. Community is bad and you are great? Try sometimes to watch into the mirror. Everyone must cry that you are leaving? Disappointing in you again and again.
  13. The less brains human have the happier he is.
  14. When someone saying he is bored... especially at 23 age... well, it's very sad for you. Hello, another vegetable thinking he is something meaningful. Stroth style. Learn from him, he found the sense of life. He is from Germany too, so will be ok. Nothing special. I am not vegan, btw. God, kill me, I wanna exit from this shitty planet...
  15. I bet granny Angela Merkel is uder water?
  16. nvm
  17. Thank you for the event, Aleks! Was fun but the most I liked zombies
  18. Forgot? Aha... for woozik non-English language in the chat is like a red rag to a bull.
  19. dsadsa
  20. As always topic turns into haters vs everyone else but where is objectivity? You can hate Megas or not but he deserves another chanse just because he is skilful, has some knowledge, very regular and old player who likes this server. I would give him all admin rights to put an end in this epic poetry. At least it's not a big deal. If he is really changed then cool, good admins are always needed; if he fails again, just add him to the black list. Another question is when to give him such chanse? The more you want to become an admin the less you ready for it. You are not ready, Megas. And stop making appeals one after another... it's annoying. Can you just wait a bit, make a ''theatrical pause''? Long ago I was suggesting to the owner of big SAMP server whom to choose as admin and I was never mistaken in my choise. I was super-moderator on very big forums and also had to choose people. Why saying this? At least I know something and I told you many things honestly, just wanted to help, gave some tips but you Megas just do not listen.
  21. hi megas
  22. hi semert
  23. hi megas
  24. hi semert
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