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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by StartsevaRUS

  1. He is just stupid kid that like to fuck other parents, he is admin? very funny. never.
  2. hi megas
  3. dfsghjk
  4. Unfair mute? For you to understand... You attacked one person like jackals. You continuously joked about his appearance which is unacceptable. Because it's humiliation of another person's dignity. It's direct insult towards someone which can be accepted very personal. You got over limits, no? It's the same if you would attack the similar way other person's family, religion, nationality, country. It's a bit different kind of ''jokes'', you know... to which admins must react somehow. Why do you have to insult? Problems with humor? Because it's not funny at all, it's disgusting. It's low. Put yourself on other person's place sometimes. And so big drama about 1 day mute, pfff, while you absolutely deserved it.
  5. Today. 9th may. Victory day.
  6. Doubt that you would be better.
  7. If athletic body waking up in your mind associations like that then you never been in gym.
  8. fghjkl;
  9. newest
  10. Unforgiven.mp3 Antonioooo.mp3 PersonalJesus.mp3 GTALibertyCity.mp3 Hero1.mp3 Hero2.mp3 Bangkok.mp3
  11. It's not needed, there are a lot of forces on the ground who fight ISIS.
  12. Religion it's a world of morality, ethics, questions of the meaning of life, of good and evil. Religion is stabilizing public relations, religion is a hope to live for many of people. And all Europe is inextricably linked to the Christian culture. But total different, more agressive culture, with own strong traditions replacing European civilization, while Europeans playing in game of tolerance and forgetting about their own culture and values. Agressivly supporting gay marridges and mass media like Charlie Hebodo calling it as freedom of speech when it's not. There is no dialogue between cultures, all we see is the clashing of civilizations started to happen in a more and in a more radical forms. Problem not in religion. Problem in people's heads.
  13. Syria, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Yamen...etc and too many other Muslim countries are are destroyed, not only a city. Countries are totally destroyed. Egypt still kinda little bit safe but there are still terror attacks in it and ofc you guys never heard of any of it. Thanks to the media. When anything happens to us media doesn't even say anything about it unlike like what happened in Paris. There was a Muslim girl killed in UK by a British guy because she were wearing Hijab wtf is this? Other thing you guys probably don't know, 3 Muslims (1 guy and 2 girls) were killed in US by a "Drunk" American guy? Seriously? And then I'm not blaming anyone, I got Non-Muslims friends in real life and we are enjoying hanging out together. Just stop being racist guys. You can't just blame all Muslims because of some terrorist groups. yes, these countries are totally destroyed. And its obvious when you purposeful destroying the legal authority as one the only source of power... next appears a free space which faster being filled by bandit groups and the country sinking into the chaos. Minute of a history. I want to remind the first root of refudgee crisis nowadays. I was a child only when was 15th February 2003 year, someone of here do not maybe know what happened in that day. It was the largest protest in hisotry all over the world. Just in London there were million people who took their part in it to prevent war in Iraq, so you realize the epicness of it - Passed more than 13 years and this video is fitting nowadays perfectly as ever. People felt it was wrong on emotional and on a human level, intuitively too... and they were right. In month later US and GB started to bomb the Iraq bypassing the UN, breaking in pieces international law, opinion of millions people and opinion of heads of countries like Russia, France, Germany were ignored totally. ''Inside we are democratic but outside we are doing whathever we want''. With that attitude I don't think country like that can be called democratic. And it's only Iraq... Damn, and these murderers have right to teach other countries what to do while their own hands is full of blood? Nothing is sacred. And week ago: Tony Blair makes qualified apology for Iraq war ahead of Chilcot reporthttp://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/oct/25/tony-blair-sorry-iraq-war-mistakes-admits-conflict-role-in-rise-of-isisWho the fuck cares now? This cunt with Jeorge Bush and many others of their clan deserve a military tribunal and be sent to a jail for a war crimes. He apologizes, unbelivable!
  14. All problems are caused by ignorance. And the prejudice is a child of ignorance. In law faculty I have read Quaran, with arab teacher-translator explaining everything. Of all my experience. I can repeat as I did before that the term ''Islamic terrorism'' is totally contray to Islam. Because one thing is Islam as religion and wayyy veeerryyy different thing is radical Islam as political ideology. IT'S NOTHING ABOUT RELIGION. The terrorism is big business. Just some individuals are using radicals for their own purposes covering by Islam as it's now the most popular religion because it's the youngest one. Like two of terrorists in Paris were 15 and 18-years old. They were influenced by radicals for sure, ofc it's easier to brainwash young uneducated people than someone who at least have read Quaran... Remember The Crusades? -military campaigns sanctioned by the Latin Roman Catholic Church during the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages. No one doing these religion military parades now, right? Because it has NOTHING similar with Chrisian religion, just politics. Or remember Inquisition? How many people were killed, burned alive in Europe for just other opinion on Chrisian religion? Hundreds of thousands! But again, what similar with Christian religion? Nothing, if you have ever read the Bible (at the same time there is a lot of calls for murders). Islam is different. Like all people who live in the World of any religion. Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jews.Most of muslims in EU are Arabs. In all Arabic states throughout history women were and still are strongly limited in rights. It's not about Islam. Some arabs are hard believers, some are not, some arabs are even christians, little amount, but still. It does not matter. Position of women in their society are lowest in the world and Islam is nothing to do with.
  15. That is why I love slavic states. I support ''healthy nationalism''.Who sees danger in refudgees? Not only extreme right-wing forces or the Nazis, right? This is happening mainly in Slavic states who just seek to preserve their national and cultural identity. They understand, that implementation of peope in huge amount with new culture and religion killing the indentify of their country. When something new are introduced, cultural boundaries are erasing. Taking a walk on some of the streets of France, it feels like that you are in Kabul. Only migrants from the Third World! With the baby carriages, with their families... for me, its scary. For human, non-French, just who love France (history, literature, HUMOR, and Louis de Funes <3 :DDD). It's fucking France! A country with a centuries-old Catholic culture... and what is happening now? It will be never the same. Fucking scrapyard. Not talking about Berlin and London... the cities with great history and culture drowned themselves into shit. Have nothing against about migrants in limited amounts. But to open boarders to everyone is selfkilling.
  16. No one forced EU to let flood their countries with biiig amount of people with absolutely different worldview and culture. Multiculturalism is not working. It had many examples in history before. For now you have to deal with it and look in the future, you should think how you gonna live with these people. Terrorists has nothing about Islam itself, terrorism it's political ideology and fighting for people minds covering by Islam. Any other thoughts on it is criminal confusing which can cause awful consequences for Europe.Terrorists don't care about who the hell you are. They will kill anyone who disagree with them. Woman, 12-years old kid, any other civilian, muslim, christian, American, Croatian, Russia, Italian... that doesn't matter. Islamic radicalism is a threat not only to the world, it's threat to the Islam. It has nothing in common with it, will repeat again. Because in people's mind forming falce image of Islam. Forming? Wrong. Already formed... What terrorists are trying to do by these attacks? They want to change the mood in the society. They want to make it as much as possible islamophobic. They want to provoke big anti-Islamic movements and the victory of right-wing parties. Why? To gain over as much as possible ordinary non-radical Muslims on their side saying look, Europeans are fighting Islam, time to protect it! Why France? France were not bombing ISIS much. Just because in France the biggest muslim society in EU and the biggest percent of these who got their sympathies for the radical Islam, millions of them. France is under attack because it's the best way to blow up a real war in Europe. If it's now war ''everyone vs terrorism'', it can turn into ''muslims vs europeans/christians''. The worst predictions are coming true step by step. And the way to prevent it is to support classic Islam.
  17. Do not delete his post. You have common opinion, not deep one. And people like that can bring Europe in civil war. But not only peope like you... it's long talk. Will answer tommorow, have to go sleep now. For now... Russia lost people, France... Great Britain... when will they realize that we must unite for fuck sakes? And look, I do not say anything about muslims when our country lost a lot of people. I will explain why. Russia lost people, France... Great Britain... when will they realize that we must unite for fuck sakes?Russia lost people, France... Great Britain... when will they realize that we must unite for fuck sake
  18. It's not talk... For what they deseve it? As I know you from Poland living in UK and have right to judge about other people? You was thinking I will support on extremizm?
  19. On any theme you can) without insulting. just dont say all muslims are terrorists and so on... i dunno. i belive u can bring ur opinion nicely
  20. It's not about religion... religion is uniting society, actually, and playing a big role in it. Tell your opinion, it's important, just don't break the rules. upd: more than 150 dead. Will bring tommorow to French embassy flowers. Everyone should do it in their countries. For fuck sakes, in what world we are living...
  21. My friend now is in France. She called me, I woke up. I think it's linked with sucessful offence of all coalition on ISIS. They are tyring to scare. Every Islamist cunt (Islamist - means terrorist) must become into powder. I won't say about Chalie Hebodo... but in one eye remember Frech ppl how to joke about awful tradgedy. :/ RIP. 1 minute ago was 34 killed. already 60... Keep stong people.
  22. Legalization of marihuana it's a big theme. In my mind, you can legalize it only in country with a good economy, in coutnry where authorities are not linked to crime and corruption. In Mexico there is no such conditions for now. And as I have read the vast majority of the population in your country are against legalization. Why your president should lose his electorate?) I will stay quite then Don't. Opinion of people from Near East is very interesting too, especially when it's linked to the refudgee crisis. Yea, it's only the beginning. Specialists say this wave of people will not stop, for 2016-2017-2018 they gonna accept 2-3 million of another ''refudgees''. And there is no way they can stop it. Will stand Europe as united union or will it fall on total independent states? Hard test. And yea, most of them are males. But the another thing... how many of these so-called refudgees are terrorists? And why we call them refudgees if most of them are running from Turkey, where they have all conditions to live safely from the war?But Turkey as well-known sponsor of terrorism, trying to use refudgees as pressure-tool on Europe to ask some benefits. Because it's strange that refudgees started to flow like by someone's command, like someone pushed the button and ola!
  23. I am making this topic for people who have it's own opinion on actual political themes. For me it's interesting to hear from Western society. I asked advice by admin if I should make topic like that, because it will be very hot. I got permission. Express your opinion without breaking rules. Themes like... Refudgee crisis showed that Europe is not united. Bunch of contradictions, myths, illusions and cynicism. That is what modern Europe. And what's funny... Germany provoked that flee of refudgees by opening doors to everyone at the same time calling Hungary almost ''fashists'' for building boarder. Refugees fed 'like animals in pen' in Hungary camp. Look at them, are the not animals? But why all this is happening? Maybe Europeans were not right when they started to bring their ''democrasy'' to the East reckless of consequences? You know everything, you even know who pushed EU to take a part of this. Europe should send at least half of refugees to ''the best country in the world''. ''USA'' Americans it's different theme, they are breaking internathional law in pieces at the same time they teach others how to live.
  24. I won't read whole thing cuz I'm tired. Let's get this str8, u started insulting me in PM, not me. That's it, hope u have a good life or whatever. I never behave bad with ppl who haven't done smth wrong to me. everyone knows that. Peace. U can't read WHOLE thing?! Ye, it's a lot. How you studying in gymnasium where u have to read a lot of books? Have a big doubt you do it. You insulted me a lot of times, imagine if I would all screen that... but I didn't do it, saying in my mind like ''ok, he is mad, sometimes can happen'', but mainly, cause ''he is my friend'', I was thinking... I regret that now, cause it's total unfair. And you have right now to show like you are innocent? You are totally rotten person. From licking asses to become an admin, till situation when today you just for nothing insulted me.
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