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Mr. Green Gaming

Daniel Zambrano

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Daniel Zambrano last won the day on May 2 2016

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  1. Rami is right that is what the DM add DM D: plzz many like the DM on the server
  2. and they fixed the bug I did nothing wrong or been using any type of program, always play with Kom wonas or COUNTER anton, ask not do anything wrong @SDK @Cena @neox.
  3. 1. CTM Ano Black <3 2. April 21, 2016 3. Mr green race mix 4. Cena 5. My name nacho black 6. if they can change my name if it bothers someone or if it is for what happened earlier by the bug, please tell me do not know what happened but I try to enter the server and says Cena ban me by my name I have done nothing wrong I have been playing quietly with all if they ask :(. seriously if they want to rename no problem or tell me I did wrong now
  4. why my name means in my city, Nacho black
  5. and right now I do Thank you
  6. seriously just let me help by showing how the bug with a video, I just need a few minutes on the server to record
  7. is the swear I'm not using any program, it is a bug in the car mode if you let me me away a while the ban can make a video of how pass that bug, but give me the opportunity to show them how to pass that bug, I had reported the bug a long time ago to ramii or anton I'm not sure, really I love you just let me show you how it is done with a video D:
  8. CTM Ano Black <3 2. April 21, 2016 3. Mr green race mix 4. Dinner 5. to use a bug in car mode ( I'm not the only bugs the car mode is given by the suicide ) 6. that it again will not do, really have many friends that play there, really the server I like very much want contrubuir with the server every month so you never close, I was beginning to map with some friends, I will not use that bug the car mode, I do not expect I removed the ban now but if they do not want to leave the server, I'm four years playing in the race mix MTA not want to leave, if they do not understand what I am saying could explain it better. you can see or always ask if you want 10 hours a day the server game I love and do not want to leave please </ 3
  9. truth is not as out only to be a bug in the car mode, it always happens exiting a suicide
  10. but yet that does not happen, I report that bug a few months ago but did not manage not only me ami through the lag or ping, yet fix that if they are not going to ban more people.
  11. I hope I removed the ban someday, because what happens is I think my ping or lag entered a bug in the car mode, the mode car has many bugs I'm not the only
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