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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Notch is a fucking hero


    I am back, and I am excited.

    Marriage has been wonderful so far, and nobody sabotaged my computer while I was gone.

    The only negative thing going on at this moment is the Scrolls trademark lawsuit nonsense, and I think I came up with the perfect solution:

    Remember that scene in Game of Thrones where Tyrion chose a trial by battle in the Eyrie? Well, let’s do that instead!

    I challenge Bethesda to a game of Quake 3. Three of our best warriors against three of your best warriors. We select one level, you select the other, we randomize the order. 20 minute matches, highest total frag count per team across both levels wins.

    If we win, you drop the lawsuit.

    If you win, we will change the name of Scrolls to something you’re fine with.

    Regardless of the outcome, we could still have a small text somewhere saying our game is not related to your game series in any way, if you wish.

    I am serious, by the way.

  2. Yeah on the first video he was pretty close to normal hitting distance, however the hacking is pretty clear in the other videos you posted.

    No need to angry over that, if you look at previous posts on this thread and the Bans/Unbans section, you'll see many hackers are banned with enough proof.

    I'm sure this hacker will be banned now that you posted clear evidence (good job on that!).

    In the future, use this section for ban/unban related matters.

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