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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Is the beta free to play or do I have to buy something to try it out?

    It is free and the full game will be free too because one company already died when they made a monthly price ;D (im talking about realtimeworlds)

    Any idea how wide customization freebie players have?

  2. Ok, as Clavus said, I played the both campaigns with him and Njittie (and some other stuff afterwards), and thought I'd write a short review of some sort.

    First off, the game is currently having sweet amoung of bugs/things that need to get fixed.

    While in server browser the FPS gets really low, and I constantly can't join games because my rank is higher than theirs (even if they set the setting to "My Rank or Higher"). My controls also got completely reset midgame once, it only happened once and I'm not sure what caused it.

    The actual gameplay? Its a bit confusing at first, and I had a bit jumpy fps at first (its fixed for me now though), but once you get a hold of it it's really fun. No generic killstreak lonewolf bullshit, it's motherfucking teamwork time. You can choose your objectives using the "objective wheel", where you can for do things such as (but not limited to) go for a command post (which can gives your team a point to restock ammo at, and it usually gives health bonuses and such), go for the primary objective (such as blowing up a gate), or cover the guy blowing up the gate.

    Customization is also really great, both guns and characters. A good example of this is that assault rifles have 4 different muzzle breaks alone (although the differences between them are cosmetical)! The design with the outfits is also really creative in my opinion, especially with the resistance.

    In short/TL;DR: Due to the bugs, I'll say the game is "Good". If all the bugs get fixed, I'll say it's so full of victory the victories will pile up to the heaven

    A+ would play again and will play

    EDIT: Server browser seems to work all fine now (at least fpswise)

  3. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1885248

    Games that require "sustained aim".

    What is sustained aim?

    Well, back in the beginning of big online shooters, the idea of dying in 1 to 3 bullets was generally unheard of. Skill wasn't about who could fire off a shot first, it was about who could keep their target under the cross hairs while also keeping yourself out of the enemy's cross hairs.

    UT and Quake players (not to say they were the first online FPS, but they were kind of the first BIG ones that really blew open the MP part of the genre) will be used to this style of shooter. Most guns in these games had little to no recoil because characters moved fast, jumped high and took a lot of bullets to drop.

    Then came the advent of the "realistic shooter" which eventually pretty much filtered down into the "military shooter". This style of shooter has become the norm thanks to the popularity of CS, CoD, BF and other such series.

    These shooters relied more on snap aim, head shots and being patient and stealthy. Originally, due to high recoil and low hip-fire accuracy, these games still required a lot of skill to play.

    But then came Halo. Despite being a console shooter, Halo reopened the sustained aim shooter but added in aspects of the military shooter. Aiming was easy, people didn't drop instantly but they didn't take too long to kill.

    Based on Halo's popularity, CoD further hybrided the styles but in the worst possible way: Guns with almost no recoil combined with characters who dropped in few hits.

    The age of the easy shooter began. Now anyone could look like a good player thanks to lucky shots, bullet penetration, UAV radar and the like. You could sprint at full speed and spray off the hip and drop entire teams of defenders.

    MW2 made this worse.

    BLOPS make this even worse.

    Then comes Brink. Still a hybrid of the two styles, Brink pushes the shooter genre back towards the sustained aim spectrum and the shooter market is so used to easy games that Brink has shocked their system.

    Another game that did this recently was Section 8: Prejudice, a fantastic shooter that got mediocre reviews because, again, the FPS genre market has not been exposed to sustained aim play in big games for years and it frightens, confuses and enrages them.

    This is why opinions for Brink are all over the map. We all got so used to easy shooters with easy nade kills or one-burst kills.

    People who don't believe me, go boot up Quake Live and tell me that it's not like a punch to the nuts after playing CoD/CS/BF or any other military shooter.

    Quake was a game where a guy jumped over your head at 30mph, spun, put 3 rockets in your grill and landed without slowing down and no one called "aim bot!" at it.

    We all used to be better at shooters. We all used to be able to nail a rocket on a moving target from 300 yards. We all used to be able to sustain chaingun fire on a mid air target while we were also in mid air.

    With that in mind, if you're not a fan of Brink and feel like you wasted your time, go boot it up again and look at it with new eyes. Forsake the "skills" you believe you have from CoD or BF and remember the skills you used to have. Remember FEAR. Remember Quake. Remember UT.

    Also, go pick up Section 8: Prejudice. It's 15 bucks and it's a fantastic MP shooter that really breaks out of the box.

  4. Isn't the launch on the 12th of May? In that case its on a Thursday

    13th of May

    13th of May

    13th of May

    13th of May

    13th of May

    13th of May

    13th of May

    13th of May

    13th of May

    13th of May

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