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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. I heard somewhere that the lack of muzzleclimb is because it'd be pretty difficult to maintain a decent aim while jumping on containers and all.

  2. Chillout zunz, I didnt go on much of a rampage when the whole bloody scourge was destroyed 3 times :/

    I'm perfectly chilled, he shoves internet harrasments too deep up his arse. this is the internet, afterall...

    I'm just asking you to keep your cool and try to remember your manners. There is nothing to gain from insulting other people.

    Also, I'd like to ask everyone to stop referring to me when talking about Mungol, especially when its about the Monster castle claim, as I wasn't even in the attack, just came in to the afterparty.

    EDIT: Squirrel, reasons for mungol attacking other factions is usually suspection of possible resources, unpoliteness or generally asking for it. Killing loners depends on the person, as I for example usually let loners pass unless they attack me first/are part of enemy faction.

  3. How is faction wars ruined?

    Zunz, I'm guessing a week? You should really consider chilling the fuck out, it's still just a game. At least stop trying to purposely spread your anger around by calling people faggots and whatnot.

  4. It's like Clonk Rage except better!

    Not sure if buy though.

    EDIT: Minecraft didn't invent cubes. Only thing I see them taking from minecraft is trying to take their share of the cake basically.

  5. Shot to the head. Hmm. He got away pretty easy, instant death.

    He should have been tortured to death or skinned alive or something like that

    With that logic the people who would torture and skin him alive would also have to be tortured and skinned alive.

  6. I doubt. BBC news radio said something about him being buried at sea, so how did they have time to confirm its him and not some look-a-like? I wont believe his dead until some real proof, like dental records, DNA or shit like that.

    Taken from Helsingin Sanomat:

    Ruumiista on otettu henkilöllisyyden vahvistamiseksi dna-näytteet, ja tutkimuksen tuloksia odotetaan lähipäivinä.

    Basically it says they have taken a DNA sample of the body, and the results should be expected in the coming days.

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