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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Lick the WRITINGS on the wall and TASTE them.


    Yep, it's old alright.

    Go to the DESTROYED buildings to try and find some FELLOW HUMANS, be SNEAKY though. They could be BANDITS.


    STEALTH MODE is activated. You will now move with cauntion, looking for ANYTHING THAT MOVES as you walk. Your chances of noticing THE ENEMY first are now INCREASED.


    You head off to the DESTROYED BUILDINGS to look for FELLOW HUMANS while using STEALTH MODE, leaving the GREENCOIN MEGASTORE behind you, and some TREES further away.


    You walk for SOME TIME, and TIME has advanced now to MIDDAY. TIME will go on every time you execute TIME CONSUMING action.

    You see TWO BUILDINGS, one of them broken down (you doupt you will find anything there), and the other one in DECENT shape. You also see a GATE that has big S and I on it, with one S fallen down. Something is familar with these letters.. FENCE is also starting from the GATE, but it's CONDITION is not what you'd like your fence to be. Next to the GATE is a SIGN with something WRITTEN on it, but you can't READ it from this far.


  2. Hello again!

    Before we start, I would like to explain some things, such as what is different from the old version and the current one.

    Instead of Gmod poses, I'll be using style much like Redgord's roomguy (and various other interactive adventures), as this allows me to pop new stuff out faster, and it's more pleasant me to do. I'll let you decide what to do at first, but if that doesn't work we'll be moving back to the ABCD kind of way.

    To newcomers, this is an interactive story where the readers (you!) decide what the main character should do next (what actually happens is up to me though)

    Feel free to ask any questions if you have any.

    I'll try my best to keep this up as long as my lazyness will let me.

    Ready? Good, let's go then!

    2 years later...

    2 years since you last saw sunlight, 2 years since you met another person, 2 years since you last ate something that wasnt makeshift food made out of plasma televisions.

    It's been 2 years since YOU, Joseph Dé Hundre fortified yourself inside what used to be GREENCOIN MEGASTORE, to wait for rescue. But it never came. Not to mention as you made your BARRICADE better and better, the building eventually became SOUNDPROOF.

    However, after 2 long years the building that also used to be filled with all sorts of things to buy, is now what looks like an empty storage room. Everything that used to be in this building is now either eaten by you or used for the barricade, even your old weapons and EQUIPMENT (with expection of few clothes)

    Speaking of EQUIPMENT, let's have a look at our current INVENTORY!


    Not much for now, all you have is CASUAL LOOKING TANK TOP, HUNDRANCE MILITARY STANDARD ISSUE PANTS and HUNDRANCE MILITARY STANDARD ISSUE BOOTS. Over the years, the condition of all these is now LOW. The stuff on the left with lines to the character are for your ARMOR and CLOTHING. The boxes with pictures of hands next to them show the WEAPONS you currently have equipped. Other boxes are SPARE SLOTS of your INVENTORY.

    This is your largest, and only achievement during your 2 years here. THE BARRICADE, as you like to call it. It's made out of pretty much everything that used to be at the store.


    However, in your sillyness only way to remove it is to press the button, which destroys THE BARRICADE.

    It has to go now, or else you'll die to hunger.


    You give THE BARRICADE last brofist it will ever get.


    THE BARRICADE explodes cleanly with a loud "SWOOOOOSH" sound.

    It takes you couple of seconds to get used to fresh air and sunlight.


    World seems somewhat more destroyed now for reason. There are some WRITINGS on the wall, but by the looks of it they have been there for a while now.

    In the distance, you see some DESTROYED BUILDINGS, and even further away some SMOKE. Thought of meeting A FELLOW HUMAN comes in to mind, but you are not sure if thats a nice or scary feeling.

    In any case, sound of the explosion of THE BARRICADE must have carried miles away, and there is no shelter back at the GREENCOIN MEGASTORE anymore either. Better think quick.

  3. Millions of tentacle fingers, hot damn I could have one finger for each key and then eat and drink at the same time and do other stuff too!

    EDIT: Fucking ninjas, answering MiF's question: The best anti-hacker, why cause harm when you can do good?

    Would you rather use Would You Rather...? topic or word association topic?

  4. The new newb hot blonde that fucks everything up, and I wouldn't resist. Not to mention if she is a newb she will prodably forget the whole butthole part.

    Would you rather live at North Pole or South Pole?

  5. Action hero all the way, I wouldn't want to be only one in the family without any special powers. I would be retarded among those people.

    Would you rather live in post-apocalyptic Moscow's metro or post-apocalyptic Mojave desert??

  6. 1.Pirates. The pirates nowdays at least carry on the legacy

    although niggers

    , while ninjas of today are just arabic females.

    2.Fuck you you ironic son of a bitch also I pick ps3

    ALSO this thread is "Would you rather..", not "x or y?"

    Would you rather be good at drawing or be good at writing?

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