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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Here is my final design.

    As you can see after seeing several peoples designs i figured out that mine was not really appropriate so I went with a more better way, a bit like Hundred did.

    To be honest i feel like you took some of my ideas and just plopped them in your pic :')

    to be honest i did take an idea or 2 from yours because it looked so good but the rest is original and unintentional :V

    The same style of picture.

    The bars at the bottom and the top.

    The smiley.

    No offense, but what is original about your pic?

    He has the top score bars.

    OH WAIT.

  2. I would appreciate some feedback on my secound one as well :D

    it was good, but a bit too simple, dunno, maybe a zombie to the background would make it better

    And EmRAs pic is really aweomse, if just make those texts look better

    The texts are there just to showcase the layout, as I'm rather bad at photoshop/scripting.

  3. Guys, you're building on the roof too much. It kinda ruins the feeling of having 9001 rooms in one building.

    I just build another roof over a part of the roof.

    What roof? I thought the building is expanding all the time?

  4. Building a colosseum would be hard looking at the shape of the structure right now, not to mention it has bee done atleast dozen times before.

    How about a small arena above water, where the fighters need to jump on pillars? Would put some strategy in the fights.

  5. I haven't decided yet on what to do for the next map. Should we go for that single superstructure idea (read: everybody contributes by building stuff against one single structure, making it bigger and bigger over time)?

    Might be fun to see how it works out. If it's no fun I'll just change the rules halfway through.

    Do you mean one big building built by everyone, or bunch of buildings connected together as one?

  6. As interesting as Mass Effect seems storywise, the gameplay just isn't my style. (which is weird since I play CoDs that have smilar effect)

    Maybe I'm just too used to first person :(

  7. I agree, just that certain things have got me thinking.

    Such as ywa banning someone after he got killed because he entered someone's house.

    And some guy started raging at me when I killed him when he entered my house randomly.

  8. I do, just making sure its legit to kill them.

    And I kinda said it in a unclear way there (I think), I meant that is it legit to assume that they are stealing if I see them at my chest and get a away with it even if they claim they were just checking it out afterwards?

  9. Is it legit to assume (and report & kill) that people are stealing checking out your chests?

    What about killing people entering your house without permission, if a sign is warning about it at your door?

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