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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. No, read it next time.

    Look at the blog post:

    "Next week we will jump into Francis’s back story and see if he always hated things or if the Zombie Apocalypse changed him."

    Does this mean Francis once liked vans? Was he once fan of Ayn Rand?

  2. Well big bang seemed to pop out of nowhere (and if it didn't, where did that magical fairy powder causing it come from?)

    What if God did it? Or what if God sees planets/solar systems/something even bigger as his real creation, and doesn't really care for small guys like us (or got bored of us since we haven't created anything he finds amusing yet?)

    Or what if dinosaurs were his original creation, but then he slipped into a black hole, and dinosaurs weren't under his watchful eye anymore?

    What if we are actually inside brain cell of a dog, who is inside brain cell of a hamster, who is...

    Man, thinking is fun.

  3. Here is one very similar story written by someone on the Minecraft Forums:

    Oh there are plenty of stories for plenty of games. They always pop up on open-ended games, and they always get better the more open-ended they are. Some are crafted, created by the player's imagination, a epic spawning from random happenings in the game. Some are based on experiences, things that happen in games, intended or not. My story is of Minecraft, and of one special evening playing it.

    I had recently started to play Minecraft. An enjoyable game. I had bought it (well, a friend bought it for me) having known of it for a while, and hearing plenty good from it. I started a new map, and it was quite an experience. I didn't think there would be snow, but it was enjoyable, if annoying trying to build a moat. However, my story is not about my first world in the game. This is about the second.

    I had a feeling that it would be special right as I started. From the spawn, without even turning around, I could see an island. It was small, surrounded by one block deep water. It seemed to be special for one detail: A floating block. A single, floating block, as if signaling "Come here. This is special." Of course I ignore it at first, wanting to fell a tree for wood so I could mine and defend myself. As soon as I had a sword and a pick-axe, both made of wood, I went over to the island. This is how it began.

    As I made it to the small island's exposed rocky surface, I noticed how far down it went. Far down. Really far down. I don't think I could make out where the bottom was in the cavern. I thought it was neat, special. What I really liked was a few blocks downward, there was coal. A big vein of coal, just exposed to the air. I knew what my first task was.

    That task was not easy though. The size of the island and the entrance to the cavern left a layer of sand blocks around the edge. After fumbling for a bit and almost throwing myself down the cavern from the water flow, I managed to widen the island JUUUUUST enough to make a small staircase downward and get the coal.

    After I had mined out all the coal, I noticed it wasn't a lot, but it was just enough to last while I build a more permanent settlement. However, I looked down again into what I now call 'The Shaft'. The bottom was closer. I thought perhaps I could try building down there. So I went back up to my workstation, with just enough sunlight to make some torches and make a new mining pick, as my wooden one had just given out.

    So thus I began my trek to the bottom. It was a slow process, but I made it to the bottom just fine. Unfortunately, when I got there, I found nothing more of interest than a few blocks of sand I had accidentally let fall. so I cleared out the area and made it look nice while waiting for day. I made the floor more level, more organized, and I had my main crude staircase easily accessible and the whole area well-lit. It was a small cavern, nothing noteworthy about it except for a small corner. It was natural, but it just screamed out to me 'mine me out'. After just mining away one block... I found another coal vein. Excited, as it was still night, I mined it all out.

    I hadn't realized until I had finished mining it out that I had exposed another cavern, directly below my current one. It was very curious, as I could see even more coal in the distance, and the floor was deep enough from where I was to hurt me. I was starting to get a little freaked out. I postponed exploration until I could get more torches.

    When it was day again, I got some more wood for trees. However, on the way back... there was a creeper. Normally I would just flee, but this puzzled me. Why would a creeper spawn in the day? It was in the water so it wouldn't catch fire, but still, how had it spawned? I put it out of my mind and went back to the cave exploration.

    As I ventured downward, I found more minerals. Coal and Iron. I mined them out as I explored, not noticing anything unusual other than it seemed to be leading to me to a single point in the cavern. A staircase. It wasn't a constructed staircase, just made of stone seemingly naturally, but this seemed too odd to be true. It was just too perfectly formed. Three wide, plus raised one block on the side like handrails. It led me to a diagonal hallway. Perfectly flat. Perfectly formed. It was not a dungeon. This was player made. It was constructed. It was a constructed pathway beneath my feet.

    This freaked me out. So I set down one rock block to get out, headed back to my adopted place at the bottom of The Shaft, and unloaded some stuff, smelted the iron, prepared myself for another venture downwards. I made a better pick as I had found gold, though I was after it more to distract myself from the cavern and staircase.

    When I returned, I had found twoblocks where I had only placed one, and my torch had moved. This... it was really starting to freak me out. But I pressed onward. This time, I vowed to see what was going on with all of this. It just kept going on this time. No minerals past where I had found the gold originally. No coal. No Iron. Nothing but pure stone. I had eventually reached a split in the path. The sound of running water had started here. I never got a chance to figure out it's source though.

    The cave kept winding deeper. Deeper. I followed it, ignoring every hint of anything notable, ignoring even diamond. I wanted to get to the bottom of this, literally and figuratively. After a few minutes of going forward, laying down torches, I heard whispering. It was the strange whispering, almost intelligible. Then an arrow fired.

    It missed, luckily. I turned around only to be faced with what I see as the source of all the trouble here. It's a player model. I'm on single player, disconnected from the internet for the past hour. I have a custom skin. However, it's the default player model, only with whited out eyes. It fires another arrow at me and I die. I get one last, red, bloody look at it before I choose to respawn. I rush down to my cavern to try and retrieve my stuff and find out what the hell just happened. Arrow by the time I get to the bottom of The Shaft.

    From then on, I couldn't spawn. I still can't. As soon as I do, I die. Every time I die... the landscape only looks slightly more demonic. Sky just slightly redder. Trees slightly more like fire. The whispering slightly louder, slightly deeper. I try and avoid that file.

    It still remains though. I've since stored and encrypted the file, and hidden it deep within the recesses of my HDD. Something like that couldn't be kept in the open, but it couldn't' be destroyed either.

    I managed to take a few screen shots of my experience, thinking they might be a neat log of my exploration, for anyone that's curious, but I don't have much interesting to show other than the initial island.

    The island from spawn:


    Entrance of The Shaft (after I had started to descend):


    Odd corner at the bottom of The Shaft:


    The second cavern:


    The 'Natural' staircase:


  4. According to bible God gave man free will.

    I don't know myself, maybe he did and people got him all wrong and he became some random homeless guy/started a new religion?

    You never know. Or hopefully we will.

    @QTesla The stuff I've seen don't prove that God doesn't exist, just the way it happened/how God did it.

  5. Freedom. Thats what.

    I take bible as advice book, not a rule book.

    Although you have to actually think what you read since the information it stores is rather outdated.

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