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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. They're not addictive and don't damage you if you just try them.

    It depends on the person. One could get addicted at the first time, one could not get addicted at all

  2. Oh man, the SP is so bad.

    Because the AI is so horrible, they decided to just give them aimbots and zero spread on their weapons. Leet actions (Shooting a MP5 on a zipline) pushed down your throat, infinite bots randomly running at you, your team never moving up, friendly soldiers constantly running in front of your crosshairs, storyline that DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER.

    MW2 was way, way better.

    Switch to lower difficulty, singleplayer games arent about epeen, theyre about the enjoyment.

    Played it on the lowest difficulty myself to maximize the movielike effect :V

    Anyhow, just reached lv16 in multiplayer, meaning that now I can attach my awesome Donald Duck emblem on my guns! :D

  3. ITT:

    • 'artists' raging at original topic location
    • 12 year old thinking to be cool by making stupid images where over 100 people vote at.
    • me, who doesn't care at any of the above.

    First of all, it's a full artist, not 'artist'.

    Secondly, he is obviously not 12, just stupid.

    And third, you do care. Don't lie to me.

  4. Black Ops failed. Steyr AUG was developed in the start of 1970's and was introduced in 1979.

    But still in Black Ops they use it 10 years earlier. How's this possible?

    I would like to remind you of the fact that Call of Duty: Black Ops never aimed for realism, you wield fucking


    in the game.

    Keeping that in mind, and that the game is about fictional bestofthebest soldiers, I'm pretty sure they can have access to prototype versions of Steyr AUG in the fictional version of 1960's.

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