Well, returned to the good ol' MrGreen Zombie Survival server after a loong while. And, met many people from those times C: But yeah, the artwork! DRAWINGS Ducks have always been my favorite comicbook characters, as long as they are made by Carl Barks or Don Rosa (huge fan of both of em) So, let's start with drawing made somewhere around january-february: CLICK ME FOR COOL And if any of you wonder, it's Pintail Duck and Malcom McDuck from Carl Bark's story "Back to Long Ago!" Now now, I know you want to see all the epic guns and shit, so CLICK ME FOR GREAT! And as you might guess, I don't only draw ducks. I have been practising humans for a while now. CLICK ME FOR AWESOME + EXTRA OGM LULWUT WORK IN PROGRESS SNEAK PEAK COOL CLICK HERE GARRY'S MOD Tried some gmod picture photoshopping, and I quite liked it so you can see it too. ZOMBIE CANCER! As far I know, everyone liked my shoutbox invasion pic. In fact, sombody asked me ingame "hows the shoutbox invasion going?" So I immediadly started to get inspiration. And here you go, picture taken few hours before last assault on the enemy's final place to hold out. SHOUTBOX WARFARE IS HERE And yes, they still are the same ones as in the Competition picture, their clothing is just a bit changed. Plus that flying guy in the background is almighty Roborobb! Feedback is always welcome. Oh and, I CAN HAS GREEN COINS?