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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Sorry if this project is already dead (atleast im pretty much waking it up from grave, sorry.) How about a gun that stops the time at certain area, and after some time relases it (straight down, would let you dodge grenades and stuff epicly) So for example like in that scene on matrix, when neo stops the bullets in front of him and then drops em all down.
  2. Oh yeah, speaking of exploits, we were having fun with barricade builder on survival, when we decided to noclip around. We were at the church map of death toll, and we noclipped back to where you would start on original campaign. There still were ammo, first aid and uzi + pumpshotty there!
  3. p228 + crowbar = <3 I wish you could get dualies as starting weapon..
  4. I think you need just one source game. Best solution would be cs:s and gmod, as u get hl2 props with gmod anyway.
  5. Isn't super marco that macaroni thing that looks like mario but is named marco? I saw pic on it loong time ago.
  6. thx boterv. HOLY SHIT I AM ON THE LEAD
  7. Prismaa was originally trying to become an admin, to do this he downloaded hacks and kicked every noob in ZS, changed rcon and made Johnathan a crowbar of chocolate which was deliciously overpowered until a cow arised from your hovering ass and put there milk in a bottle, so that he was able to explode the cow that Danni had sex with and have a chocolate crowbar back that was broken. Sadly, Only After Error 401 complained about us having an orgy and wanting to join in himself, while his dad masturbated on his small chicken nugget (six for 1$!)(surely
  8. a bit over 15mins on gas station map (no mercy) on last stand my record is something like 3 mins :/ btw, is it just me or are tanks weaker on survival? they r like easy difficulty..
  9. That dude who watches those retarded japanese cartoons and keeps fapping at some erin.
  10. FUCK YEAH! Didn't really feel like hiding them, I just put them in there, exept for the LAST melon, he has one goddamn good disquise, and I'm sure you will never, EVER in your life find him! From left to right: Pvt.EmRAbuck, Pvt.EmRAseev and Sgt.EmRAnov. (man am I creative, I GAVE THEM FUCKING NAMES!)
  11. GC prizes? Now im in, even if I have to MOVE THE RAGDOLLS WITH MY BARE HANDS.
  12. AWESOME, FUCK YEAH IM IN. Well if my gmod won't start crashing too much..
  13. So it just moves on like that..? weird ideas you have sir. unique idea sir.
  14. Why red? EmRA has the ideas too C:
  15. Cool, now post the next one.
  16. Something tells me the same...
  17. Shit, now there is 3 with the 1st place D:
  18. Poor guys. Too bad for the fags at movie/game companies too, as I always download the game if im unsure if its good ot not, then think of buying it. Some games just aren't worth the 50
  19. I liked Mayco's the best, liked the KILLEVERYTHINGWITHTHATCOMPUTER idea. Even tho Clavus had almost the same idea, I liked how mayco's was done more. By the way, my entry's last picture has one gnome and ONE BAG OF FUCKIN DOGFOOD!!1. Find em? Also, there is EmRA (aka metrocop with homburg hat) on the tank's turret (the back one), but I don't think it's noticeable as the pic is so small..
  20. And we need that fucking rock the vote. Just pisses me off when last time I played clav_inverse was like 2 weeks ago, and when today I get to play it again I fucking start as zombie. K taking a break to calm down a bit.
  21. Hats from this pack here? http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=700475 Also, that radarthing where you could see where other humans are at.
  22. Oh yeah, now that you put it that way..
  23. I'm in. EDIT: Fuck you johnathan, I thought I was original when I made war-based picture D: It's still awesome tho.
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