Guizada is 15yo boy. Wannabe pro. He rage and start provoking players even admins he once keep calling me noob for 2h because I keep killing him. I suggest to delete this its senseless .....
this can help avoid slow motion parts, it will ruin most of the maps, it will ruin tops that survived for years like (journey anderias maps) please dont add this ....
with this perk in NTS you can avoid carchange icons like dozers and other slow vehicles and that make perks users gain adventage against others(its like pay to make tops)...
270ping players can ruin gameplay for others, so in this case the lose will be bigger if they changed the ping limit ,so staying like this will be better ....
hi, me and assntitties did renew the team at the same time, but only 20days added and this means one of use lost his green coins (2500), i hope you fix it ...