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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by cby

  1. you mean GIVEME MY DAMN VIP?
  2. good luck!
  3. cool
  4. good luck!
  5. NGR|CBY
  6. I'm a beginner, I haven't learned the vanilla yet either. Watching the first few minutes of the first video I find it really overwhelming / complicated.
  7. CBYmc - added
  8. cby

    Map Event

    Okay, you can choose for mix in my name Race: - Zole Desert Running - Free Falls
  9. cby

    Map Event

    NGR|CBY Ok, I'll be THAT guy... Race: - Alenator_Always - Never The Same
  10. cby

    Event maybe?

    Sounds good. It can be a "regular" map event, I don't mind.
  11. cby

    Map Event

    Nick: NGR|CBY Map Name: Alenator_Always [RACE]
  12. I would love some fast zole maps! Btw, I can help if you want, but I have zero experience in hosting events
  13. I think he was talking about custom ones, where you take a stupid meme which no one (= me) understands and use it to react to things. I'm not against graphical emojis, but I like only the basic ones.
  14. I wanted to reply to each point, but I don't have the patience, so I just write my opinion on some of them in no particular order. Laggers The most dangerous and unintentionally annoying laggers are the one who are not flagged because they only have occasional lag spikes. They should be marked as lagger at the first spike and only unmarked after a certain time of having low ping (like several minutes). Maps I agree on removing much hated maps that are not hard but frustrating. Whats the point of likes and dislikes if they are not decide anything. But! I also agree that there are some historical maps that are hard and therefore disliked which should be kept. I think rating system doesn't solve this duality. Teams I don't see having lot of players in a team as a problem, but I rarely play on mix. Multiple owners is a good idea. I also had an idea where the team members would benefit from their members winning, but it had some opposition. About that save button: I always thought that it is intentional that you can only change the name and color when you renew. I recently made a server for myself to practice without interference and I saw a lot of code and even wrote some myself. I'm starting to understand how it works. To add brand new functionality... well, I'm not there yet. But adding that Save changes button is something I would be able to do. So if you are short on developers, and you have (seemingly) small tasks like this, then I could help or at least try. Replay What if we could record all player positions (like local ghost), and play them back and see that from different angles, that would be cool. But I see the countless problems with this idea, so I won't go into details Custom emotes Oh, if I could tell you how much I hate them! Discord is a mess! Maybe it's because I'm from an older generation and grew up on IRC. Big NO from me on this. Reroll I never liked this feature. It feels like cheating (when you get better vehicle). I don't want to see this on race. And by the way, yes, the original NTS (and some variants) has place on race, so stop telling people to "go to mix if you wanna play this" when someone buys it.
  15. I don't want to be a moderator. However it's good to see that I'm not the only "old" one here Good luck!
  16. Do you like being rammed too?
  17. I can see why mix players don't like this idea, but race is different. Ramming shouldn't be the tool to gain position. I know it's not real, but in real life you would endanger the life of not only the one who you are ramming but also others who follow, so you would be certainly punished for that.
  18. I just don't understand why ramming is allowed. I think there are more "levels" of it. When you nudge someone a bit so you can gain a position seems to be ok (I don't like that either, but I can accept), but deliberately pushing someone into the water with maximal force (like the attempt in the video) shouldn't be tolerated. (at least in race, mix is different 'cause there are game modes in which this is the point) "It's ram not block" - he always defends himself, which cleary shows that his goal was to incapacitate his opponent. How is it less of a "crime" than blocking?
  19. What is Instagram? ..and discord? ah, I'm too old for this sh*t ps.: I know what those are, I just dont use them
  20. They should close with the same button that opened them.
  21. Hey, I wanted to donate, but I can't login to the main site. I'm logged in in the forums. Clicking on "continue as cby" on the oauth authorization page redirects back to the main site, but I'm still not logged in. I tried a few times.
  22. Well it was a bit chaotic. More people joined than supposed to be, and there were some issues. I thought there was a script handling the queue of maps, but insted they were set manually and sometimes they accidentally set a mix map, and some maps showed only black screen after starting so they had to be skipped. There were 2 guys who were very suspicious, they finished #1-2 almost every time, before our veteran top players. And most importantly I realized how bad I am at this game
  23. CBY BTW: How does this work? Is this on race server or a different one? I've never played tournaments before.
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